After I operate according to quick start, hugo server
, I got a very pretty page.
Like this: https://themes.gohugo.io/hugo-papermod/
Sorry, I can only upload one picture as a new user.
But after I build, I got a very crude page (public/index.html
Did I do something wrong?
This is my config.toml
# General
baseURL = "https://example.com"
languageCode = "en_us"
title = "See, Hear, Think, and Record"
# Appearance
theme = "papermod"
My input steps:
> hugo new site test
> cd test
> git submodule add https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod.git themes/papermod
> echo `theme = papermod` >> config.toml
> hugo new posts/test.md
# Modify the draft tag of test (draft: false)
> hugo server
# It looks great, then I run hugo
> hugo
Start building sites …
| EN
Pages | 10
Paginator pages | 0
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 7
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 2
Sitemaps | 1
Cleaned | 0
# I got a public directory, the index.html inside is just like the one above.