In my theme there were added a logic which use to judge the minimum version for this theme running request. So if meet lower version then will output error message, but the hugo command not stopped and go on building.
I found the documents said Any ERROR will also cause the build to fail (the hugo command will exit -1).
but in here why not?
Were you meet the same problement?
# The code is here
{{ $version := int (index (split hugo.Version ".") 1) }}
{{ if lt $version 89 }}
{{ warnf "当前 Hugo 版本小于 0.89.0,请到官方地址下载 Hugo 最新版本:" }}
{{ errorf "Current Hugo version is less then 0.89.0, Please download Hugo latest version on offical site:" }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not hugo.IsExtended }}
{{ warnf "Hugo NexT 主题使用了 SCSS 框架,请到官方地址下载 Hugo Extended 版本:" }}
{{ errorf "Because that use SCSS framework in Hugo NexT, Please download Hugo extended version on offical site:" }}
{{ end }}
Actually result was: