What is this theme?

What is this theme? I have been looking for it for a long time but I can’t find it. It is not in the official theme library.

Link to the website?

遠い声と想像 - エイジ オブ ディスカバリー II (kindle.i234.me)
The website did not find any links on the topic.

Your question was asked three weeks ago, but the author didn’t reply.

I didn’t see any information about the theme on the website. It seems that the author uses a private theme.

I saw it too, so I wanted to ask in the community to see if anyone knows.

Looking at https://themes.gohugo.io/ I can see the following themes that look similar to your screenshots. I assume they started with one of these and then added plenty of their own fixes. Looks very nice.


Ok thanks, I’ll try to modify it myself.