A few issues (article herobg not showing, etc..)

Hello there!
I am new to Hugo and currently struggling with a few things whilst using the blowfish theme.
I really wouldn’t categorize this with the blowfish theme as it’s more related to Hugo’ settings,etc… But this category fits best with the topic, in general.
GitHub Repo


This is ranked from what I most need help to the ones where I really don’t.


I created a test article and set the config settings right. But, the article’s background and thumbnail doesn’t show up. I read and re-read blowfish’s docs and the creators GitHub repo template as well as other users who used the theme that had article thumbnails and backgrounds. Theirs and my configuration were the same!


The navigation links don’t work at all. I added ../.. before each dest name but that made each link broken. Even when i removed the ../.., only the blog link worked. Also, the reason why i added the ../.. was, say I went to the blog section and I clicked the about page, that would add the /about to the /blog lime peme969.dev/blog/about. If I added peme969.dev/about as the page ref then that would make the page load and would slow the performance down. I may be wrong though.


The typeit lib isn’t working correctly. Everytime it was done with a string it would blink and wait as for the spaces that separated each line (each string is separated by a newline).
Definitely not Hugo-related but if someone knows the solution, it would be greatly appreciated!


When the typeit lib animates text, and the inputted text is more than 2 lines (2 seperate lines) it seems to push the recent articles left. Then, when it backspaces and pushes it right (to where it used to be).
Put this in the last of of the list as I may find resources on this subject sooner or later.


Put this in the last of of the list as I may find resources on this subject sooner or later.
I would like to generally know how Hugo works in terms of customization and its freedom. (“It” is referring to customization).
It seems to be a bit limiting (at least the blowfish theme is doing that). On the contrary, Jake Jarvis used to be a Hugo enthusiast. He made his website look so awesome! And, with Hugo? Seems impossible to me! His archived version of it looks too simple. The repo: Also, If I could inject custom css or js anywhere (not just header or footer) like newsletter subscription boxes, etc…


mv content/blog/firstpost/firstpost.md content/blog/firstpost/index.md

See https://gohugo.io/content-management/page-bundles/.



  name = "blog"
  pre = "pencil"
  pageRef = "../blog"
  weight = 2


  name = "blog"
  pre = "pencil"
  pageRef = "/blog"
  weight = 2

See https://gohugo.io/content-management/menus/#define-in-site-configuration


Somebody else’s problem.


Somebody else’s problem.


If you’re buiding your own theme you can do anything you want. If you’re starting with someone else’s theme you can also do anything you want, but depending on the theme that approach could be more difficult.


That’s pretty vague. It seems to me that I can’t create a custom page. (Maybe a custom article page). For example, if I want to make a /uses page I would have to make it as an article and then customize it a little so it won’t look like an article. (eg, views, likes, breadcrumbs). Maybe I have a wrong understanding of Hugo or something but I don’t really get what you mean by “customization”
Also by making my own theme I can customize it more than I can with a theme? If there are a resources available to help me with that then that would be awesome!

I’ll check that out, thanks.

OH, I see, I was a bit confused on why there were two “firstpost/“ in the URL when I clicked on the article post

Article backgrounds are now showing and the menus link correctly!
Thanks @jmooring. Now, I would like to learn a bit more about site customization! (Eg. Color schemes, injecting custom css, html, and js to add stuff ( like newsletter subscriptions)

Then I suggest you be specific about what you are trying to do. For example, “How do I bake things?” is a vague question. “How do I make an apple pie?” is a specific question.

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