UTF-8 character encoding when converting strings to bytes

I am trying to see if it is possible to use Hugo’s templates in order to calculate a SHA256 digest by using UTF-8 character encoding when converting strings to bytes, then return the SHA256 digest and encode its bytes with Base64.

So far I have failed and I am not quite sure how to proceed. Also I am not sure whether this is currently supported in Hugo.

Here is an example

The following sample string:

01011193492en0O170911143656Test order some items0.12EURcardlink@cardlink.gr6900000000GRUKvisahttps://euro.test.modirum.com/vpostestsv4/shops/shopdemo.jsp?cmd=confirmhttps://euro.test.modirum.com/vpostestsv4/shops/shopdemo.jsp?cmd=cancelCardlink1```

Needs to produce the following value:


The rule for the above is Digest=base64( sha256( utf8bytes(concatenated value) ) )
The recommended way to do the above is server side with Java, ASP etc… and then send the generated digest with a POST request.

But I am interested in seeing whether it is possible to generate a set of these digests in Hugo and then send one according to user selection.

I’ve tried the following along with several syntax variations of the printf function

{{ $digest := base64Encode (sha256 (printf "%U" "01011193492en0O170911143656Test order some items0.12EURcardlink@cardlink.gr6900000000GRUKvisahttps://euro.test.modirum.com/vpostestsv4/shops/shopdemo.jsp?cmd=confirmhttps://euro.test.modirum.com/vpostestsv4/shops/shopdemo.jsp?cmd=cancelCardlink1")) }}

But I did not manage to output the desired value…
Maybe there is a package that needs to be added to Hugo and a new template function that uses UTF-8 encoding when converting strings to bytes.

I am really out of my depth here.

What do you mean by utf8bytes? I can’t find documentation for printf %U. Maybe it’s more a way to make sure, the string is UTF8, not bytes per se. What happens if you use %x instead? That should print out real bytes… the connection of utf8 and bytes is what irritates me somehow.

Golang doc has this to say:

The doc for fmt which is the go package that Hugo uses for the printf function is here

I suppose that it means returning an array of all the bytes in a unicode string (but I may be wrong).

e.g. 48 49 48 49 49 49 57 51 52 57 50 101

I am not getting the desired digest output.

Slight progress. The syntax printf "% x\n" will output the bytes in a unicode string


30 31 30 31 31 31 39 33 34 39 32 65 6e 30 4f 31 37 30 39 31 31 31 34 33 36 35 36 54 65 73 74 20 6f 72 64 65 72 20 73 6f 6d 65 20 69 74 65 6d 73 30 2e 31 32 45 55 52 63 61 72 64 6c 69 6e 6b 40 63 61 72 64 6c 69 6e 6b 2e 67 72 36 39 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 47 52 55 4b 76 69 73 61 68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 65 75 72 6f 2e 74 65 73 74 2e 6d 6f 64 69 72 75 6d 2e 63 6f 6d 2f 76 70 6f 73 74 65 73 74 73 76 34 2f 73 68 6f 70 73 2f 73 68 6f 70 64 65 6d 6f 2e 6a 73 70 3f 63 6d 64 3d 63 6f 6e 66 69 72 6d 68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 65 75 72 6f 2e 74 65 73 74 2e 6d 6f 64 69 72 75 6d 2e 63 6f 6d 2f 76 70 6f 73 74 65 73 74 73 76 34 2f 73 68 6f 70 73 2f 73 68 6f 70 64 65 6d 6f 2e 6a 73 70 3f 63 6d 64 3d 63 61 6e 63 65 6c 43 61 72 64 6c 69 6e 6b 31

I’m still unable to generate the desired digest value with 256SHA and Base64 encoding in Hugo.

Or I’m completely wrong about what UTF-8 character encoding strings to bytes is supposed to be.

Don’t use \n, use a single whitespace. "%x ". That produces a string. You don’t want an array or new lines in there. And try to change between %x and %X, those are uppercase/lowercase variants.

Thanks for the reply.

Turns out that the problem I encountered is unrelated to UTF-8 character encoding.

I will elaborate in another topic later.