I was playing around with Hugo and Google’s Material Design Lite (MDL) framework the other day and came up with a nice way to use Hugo’s configuration system to change the entire aesthetic of a site on the fly.
MDL has this great thing where you can choose a primary and secondary color and it will generate a special CSS file out of that available at https://code.getmdl.io/{mdl-version}/material.{primary}-{secondary}.min.css. You can see the color wheel here.
Using Hugo you can set a primary and secondary color in your params like this:
primary: indigo
secondary: amber
Then you can generate your CSS includes like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://code.getmdl.io/1.1.1/material.{{.Site.Params.colors.primary}}-{{.Site.Params.colors.secondary}}.min.css">
I’m not gonna lie, it’s super cool to watch the whole look and feel of your site change in real time just by changing your configuration.