But this blog will be managed via Forestry (by a non technical person), and it will create /content/tags/name.md files… There is no way to keep the cooking.md structure?
I do this type of thing on my Tags page (https://www.ii.com/meta/tags/) and have had to create a (for example) /tags/cooking/_index.md for each tag that has a description. I think the problem is that each tag page, e.g. Cooking, is a list page and in Hugo you specify content for a list page with a file named _index.md.[*] I’ve wondered if there is a way to specify all tag descriptions in a data file, e.g.:
cooking: cooking description
climbing: climbing description
tag: tag description
and avoid creating all those tag _index.md files. Would that be helpful to you? If so, maybe someone will help us figure out how to do that. I think it would not be hard, but I have not yet used Hugo data files.