The questions might be basic but I am really lost … The core part of the question is, in my layout
folder, where do I have to put and how I have to name the html page to produce a page with a tag list ?
I wrote a set of articles, with tags in the article headers, something like:
- tag1
- tag2
I made a tags folder in my contents:
Thus if I well understand, tags is now a section of my hugo website.
In my config.tom
I put:
name = "Tags"
identifier = "tags"
weight = 300
url = "/tags/"
By doing this, I obtain a page with the list my tags and looking at the page I know that this page follow the post-list.html partials. I guess, this is because the folder is empty and because tags is a hugo specific name ? What I want to do is to change the layout of this page.
I look at the doc here https://gohugo.io/templates/taxonomy-templates/#example-list-tags-in-a-single-page-template and here https://gohugo.io/templates/single-page-templates/ but I did not succeed.
Actually, I don’t understand what is the name of that html file and in which folder I have to put it.
Thanks and sorry for maybe a basic question