I need help on a simple list view. I want Hugo to assemble individual file.md files, each having a link in it into one page of links. I’m sure I am making a simple mistake. Thanks in advance for any help!
Thank you. I incorrectly said the layout file was in content. Not so It is actually in site_folder/layouts where I think it is supposed to be. As for the view code being a partial, I don’t see that in the description (http://gohugo.io/templates/list/).
This will be improved in future versions of the docs.
If this is your first Hugo project, I recommend starting with the base/block templates to get a grasp of Hugo’s template inheritance. I understand your confusion since this should be higher up in the navigation for templating. Moving forward, however, your best bet is to put this source in a hosted git repo (GitHub, BitBucket, Gitlab, etc) you can point me to to provide more context. LMK and I’m happy to provide some feedback.
While I am flattered (and once the new docs are up and running, we’ll need the help!), my focus right now is really refining the new docs and, of course, my FT job that pays my bills. That said, keep posting on the forum and soliciting feedback. Put it up in a repo and provide solid examples of your issues for the community to pull from and you’ll be in good shape.
Also, just as a note on general privacy and safety, make sure to revise your above statement to not include your phone number. This is a great group of people, but you’ll just have to trust me when I say it’s best to not advertise that type of information on the web. Cheers!