Posts are in content/apps/
In the front matter I have a few different taxonomies
title: "App1"
date: 2019-02-24T21:02:05+06:00
type: "post"
company: ["Company1"]
server: ["", ""]
In content/servers/ I have:
title: ""
company: ["Company1"]
tags: ["Tag1"]
date: 2019-02-24T21:02:05+06:00
type: "post"
{{ range (where .Site.Pages "Section" "apps") }}
<li><a href="{{.Permalink}}">{{.Title}}</a></li> // <--- this one happens
// example 1 I found online:
{{ range (where .Data.Pages "" "eq" "Company1") }}
<p>.....</p> // <-- nope
{{ end }}
// example 2 I found online
{{ if in .Params.companies "Company1" }}
<p>test</p> // <-- nope
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
I want on the company page 2 lists:
- A list with all the apps made by the company
- A list with all the servers owned by the company
Whats the best way to achieve this?