"Tags/" being added to beginning of term title

Hello, I’m new to this forum, and I’ve decided to build my confidence posting here by asking this question that’s probably actually simple.

I’ve just opened my messy in-progress Hugo project for the first time in a month or so, to find that every generic tag (under the “tags” taxonomy) has Tags/ added before them. I have no idea what’s causing this, but I suspect it has to do with a recent Hugo update. It’s 2:02 AM as I write this and I don’t currently have the energy to do any deep investigation :sweat_smile:

This is my repository (the .gitlab-ci.yml file still uses the version of hugo that does not cause this issue):

dunno if this is a bug or something introduced a while ago when you capitalized list titles.
maybe also OS or gitlab-runner dependent

imho tags/foo is different from Tags/foo and you only have a tags folder not Tags

changing hugo.tml from:

   tags    = 'Tags'
   archive = 'archive/tags'

to this one - see the lower case letter in ‘tags’

   tags    = 'tags'
   archive = 'archive/tags'

seems to do the trick

Yes, it does seem to work, thanks!

reproducible on windows . works with137.1 but failes in latest. any idea cc: @jmooring


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