I have a multilingual Hugo site that has 4,000 pages. For example:
website. com/category1
website. com/ja/category1
website. com/zh/category1
and so on
I decided to switch to the Hextra theme as it has search, tailwind, and a docs style.
However, I found that it builds slower the more pages there are.
My plan is to split the site into 4 sites based on the major categories, for example:
category1. website. com
category1. website. com/ja
category1. website. com/zh
category2. website. com
category2. website. com/ja
category2. website. com/zh
This would be more difficult to maintain, but would allow more pages. Is this a good idea? Is there any template that allows multilingual search and thousands of pages?
October 11, 2023, 7:22pm
I would suggest you stick with your current setup and wait for a fix in Hextra, which should not be too hard by quickly looking at the link you provide. The Hextra people seem to be very active. 4000 pages isn’t big data for Hugo (and that will be even more true in the next version, coming soon …)
October 12, 2023, 9:18am
Hi, author of Hextra here.
Thanks for considering using it.
Please don’t split your site into 4, but rather wait for the fix. Sorry for the inconvenience.
As pointed out in the above link, the cause for the slower build has been identified. I’ll work on improving the performance for the next release.
opened 11:14PM - 02 Oct 23 UTC
### Discussed in https://github.com/imfing/hextra/discussions/116
<div type='… discussions-op-text'>
<sup>Originally posted by **thangisme** October 2, 2023</sup>
With around 4K page, it takes a while to build the site. Which is not the case with other themes.
Template Metrics:
cumulative average maximum cache percent cached total
duration duration duration potential cached count count template
---------- -------- -------- --------- ------- ------ ----- --------
1h11m15.223847094s 1.700566367s 3.723108386s 0 0 0 2514 docs/single.html
29m25.170236303s 566.304214ms 2.228949419s 29 0 0 3117 partials/sidebar.html
17m4.13874766s 1.712606601s 3.15029002s 0 0 0 598 docs/list.html
9m44.776173335s 187.488353ms 1.667255081s 100 0 0 3119 partials/theme-toggle.html
8m26.370114506s 162.715332ms 2.49520532s 52 0 0 3112 partials/breadcrumb.html
29.106906383s 9.338115ms 2.961663767s 84 0 0 3117 partials/scripts.html
18.830250172s 6.050851ms 1.24994449s 12 0 0 3112 partials/components/pager.html
17.525731147s 5.622627ms 1.394370744s 16 0 0 3117 partials/head.html
8.323090391s 2.670224ms 935.323309ms 3 0 0 3117 partials/footer.html
4.253779071s 1.417926357s 1.718321097s 0 0 0 3 _default/list.html
3.254211742s 3.254211742s 3.254211742s 0 0 0 1 _default/single.html
3.125610084s 1.002762ms 302.079788ms 94 0 0 3117 partials/navbar.html
2.958057535s 2.958057535s 2.958057535s 0 0 0 1 js/flexsearch.js
2.772303655s 2.772303655s 2.772303655s 0 0 0 1 json/search-data.json
2.324423135s 84.138µs 10.123734ms 32 0 0 27626 partials/utils/icon.html
1.646970444s 1.646970444s 1.646970444s 0 0 0 1 hextra-home.html
1.108133334s 16.539303ms 743.714675ms 0 0 0 67 shortcodes/card.html
473.390865ms 188.002µs 1.148266ms 0 0 0 2518 partials/utils/fragments.html
408.630441ms 679.917µs 12.980529ms 0 0 0 601 _default/list.rss.xml
328.305514ms 105.361µs 829.74µs 100 0 0 3116 partials/toc.html
325.333061ms 40.666632ms 325.054054ms 0 0 0 8 shortcodes/hextra/feature-card.html
173.680592ms 55.756µs 1.771161ms 100 0 0 3115 partials/components/last-updated.html
171.013371ms 54.864µs 2.740091ms 7 0 0 3117 partials/opengraph.html
140.474137ms 22.533µs 1.019029ms 100 0 0 6234 partials/search.html
140.084677ms 44.942µs 1.298499ms 19 0 0 3117 partials/utils/page-description.html
129.101685ms 41.431µs 3.434975ms 100 0 0 3116 partials/components/comments.html
83.38736ms 26.752µs 1.462905ms 100 0 0 3117 partials/utils/page-width.html
74.589641ms 23.929µs 10.828863ms 100 100 3116 3117 partials/head-css.html
25.315915ms 8.121µs 9.142074ms 100 100 3116 3117 partials/favicons.html
24.946966ms 24.946966ms 24.946966ms 0 0 0 1 _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
21.683486ms 8.625µs 56.337µs 0 0 0 2514 shortcodes/rawhtml.html
4.409197ms 881.839µs 1.228166ms 0 0 0 5 shortcodes/tab.html
1.837825ms 589ns 46.988µs 100 0 0 3117 partials/custom/head-end.html
624.158µs 104.026µs 586.997µs 0 0 0 6 shortcodes/cards.html
385.126µs 192.563µs 364.407µs 100 0 0 2 partials/language-switch.html
251.657µs 251.657µs 251.657µs 0 0 0 1 shortcodes/hextra/feature-grid.html
220.678µs 220.678µs 220.678µs 0 0 0 1 shortcodes/icon.html
162.938µs 81.469µs 143.15µs 0 0 0 2 shortcodes/tabs.html
160.524µs 160.524µs 160.524µs 0 0 0 1 shortcodes/hextra/hero-badge.html
118.484µs 118.484µs 118.484µs 0 0 0 1 shortcodes/hextra/hero-headline.html
113.495µs 113.495µs 113.495µs 0 0 0 1 404.html
| EN
Pages | 3719
Paginator pages | 0
Non-page files | 0
Static files | 6726
Processed images | 0
Aliases | 0
Sitemaps | 1
Cleaned | 0
Total in 348461 ms
[Someone](https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/slow-builds-with-hextra-theme/46492/6?u=thangqt) at Hugo forum pointed out :
> [https://github.com/imfing/hextra/blob/main/layouts/partials/sidebar.html#L66-L95 4](https://github.com/imfing/hextra/blob/main/layouts/partials/sidebar.html#L66-L95)
> The number of iterations increases quadratically in relation to the number of content pages (i.e., 3000 pages = 90,000,000 iterations).
Could you take a look?</div>
In the meantime, I doubt that the offline full-text search would work well for 4000 pages as the index file would get really huge.
For any feature requests or complaints, feel free to post them on the GitHub repository.
October 12, 2023, 9:32am
Have you considered an option where you only only index the page metadata (title etc.) and the page headings(fragments (.Fragments.Identifiers
) ? That should be fairly compact and good enough for lots of use cases.
October 12, 2023, 10:55pm
Thank you for the reply, that’s a good idea! I’ll add configuration flags for these
I’ve asked a user with 4000 pages to try including only the titles for the index data: Optimize search feature · imfing/hextra · Discussion #112 · GitHub
It would be better to have the headings as well in the index
October 14, 2023, 10:55pm
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