Building a site with 50,000 pages taking a very long time

Hello, I’m building a site with 50k pages, and Hugo is taking a very long time to build.

I’ve remove pagination from that section’s template, so it doesn’t have to create pagination pages for 50k pages.

I’m not sure what else to do or optimize. Please advise.

If you’re building your site within an IDE (e.g, Microsoft VS Code, etc.), the built-in file watcher can have am impact on build time.

If that’s the case, terminate your IDE and build the site from a terminal.

And if you haven’t done so arleady, look at the template metrics:

hugo --templateMetrics --templateMetricsHints 
1 Like

$ hugo -b=“” --minify --ignoreCache --printMemoryUsage --log
Start building sites …
hugo v0.110.0-e32a493b7826d02763c3b79623952e625402b168+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2023-01-17T12:16:09Z VendorInfo=snap:0.110.0

Soon as this build finishes, I’ll run template metrics as well. I don’t use IDEs. I use just a plain text editor and CLI.

                   |  EN    
  Pages            | 12403  
  Paginator pages  |    11  
  Non-page files   |    28  
  Static files     |  2451  
  Processed images |     0  
  Aliases          | 11929  
  Sitemaps         |     1  
  Cleaned          |     0  

Total in 599511 ms

Took about 10 minutes. Seems a bit too long? Or is this normal?

I didn’t give it the full 50k articles, only a few thousand so far. 50K would take many times more. Probably an hour or more.

I’m also on BTRFS, a CoW/RoW file system, do you think that could be adding some time? I’ll setup a small XFS partition, move hugo data there and try to rebuild as well and test. I’ll post later.

600 s / 12,403 pages = 0.048 s/page

By comparison, I just built this dirt simple site, with pagination but no partial/shortcode calls:

  Pages            | 10461  
  Paginator pages  |  1035  
  Non-page files   |     0  
  Static files     |     0  
  Processed images |     0  
  Aliases          |    10  
  Sitemaps         |     0  
  Cleaned          |     0  

Total in 6496 ms

That’s about 0.0006 s/page.

So, you’ll need to look at the template metrics to find the pain points.

$  hugo -b="" --minify --ignoreCache --templateMetrics --templateMetricsHints --verbose
Start building sites … 
hugo v0.110.0-e32a493b7826d02763c3b79623952e625402b168+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2023-01-17T12:16:09Z VendorInfo=snap:0.110.0
INFO 2023/02/18 23:53:54 syncing static files to /
INFO 2023/02/19 00:11:35 postcss: use config file /home/stoned/websites/websites/
INFO 2023/02/19 00:11:36 postcss: Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
npx browserslist@latest --update-db

Template Metrics:

     cumulative       average       maximum      cache  percent  cached  total  
       duration      duration      duration  potential   cached   count  count  template
     ----------      --------      --------  ---------  -------  ------  -----  --------
  4h39m40.333684011s  1.347276891s  1.662284908s          0        0       0  12455  _default/single.html
  3h34m14.886141086s  1.002564821s  1.519628385s         60        0       0  12822  partials/sidebar.html
  2h1m10.111010185s  567.002886ms  856.425911ms          0        0       0  12822  partials/widgets/related.html
  10m23.531545993s   48.629819ms  647.716076ms        100        0       0  12822  partials/footer.html
  9m51.071875508s   46.098258ms   190.26068ms        100        0       0  12822  partials/widgets/authors.html
  9m1.499662887s   42.232074ms  164.908306ms         26        0       0  12822  partials/widgets/random.html
  5m7.239408003s   24.667957ms   97.053703ms         32        0       0  12455  partials/related.html
  4m36.713711062s   21.581166ms   105.59464ms         35        0       0  12822  partials/widgets/featured.html
  4m35.412530006s    21.47801ms  147.273781ms         94        0       0  12823  partials/widgets/recent.html
  3m41.957467871s   17.310674ms   85.310124ms         20        0       0  12822  partials/widgets/faq.html
  1m3.977757364s  420.906298ms  544.379862ms          0        0       0    152  drugs/single.html
   32.09807975s  324.223027ms  551.752298ms          0        0       0     99  section/community.html
  29.176396708s  324.182185ms  403.438057ms          0        0       0     90  _default/list.html
  21.110096465s    1.646268ms  151.550036ms          8        0       0  12823  partials/head.html
  20.333405495s    1.585821ms    80.13156ms        100        0       0  12822  partials/widgets/tags.html
  19.016503316s    1.484156ms    32.09668ms        100        0       0  12813  partials/tagcloud.html
   18.33330752s     1.42972ms  151.906147ms         11        0       0  12823  partials/scripts.html
   9.434472845s     735.803µs   25.084561ms        100        0       0  12822  partials/widgets/categories.html
   5.014390871s   28.490857ms  150.521266ms          0        0       0    176  shortcodes/related.html
   3.408320197s     265.797µs   19.295233ms         22        0       0  12823  partials/nav.html
   3.371227925s   374.58088ms  422.322624ms          0        0       0      9  page/single.html
   2.997104403s     237.733µs   31.404728ms         28        0       0  12607  partials/most_read.html
   2.978666335s  330.962926ms  375.058725ms          0        0       0      9  section/psychedelics.html
   2.064085183s  516.021295ms  545.921018ms          0        0       0      4  section/blog.html
   1.424153206s     111.157µs   20.397728ms         98        0       0  12812  partials/author.html
   1.085866521s    5.271196ms  240.888408ms         96        0       0    206  partials/carousel_featured.html
   903.828556ms    4.635018ms  200.757266ms          0        0       0    195  _internal/_default/rss.xml
   865.643929ms      57.346µs    6.484672ms         92        0       0  15095  partials/share.html
   827.470349ms       64.53µs   12.642098ms          8        0       0  12823  partials/seo/schema.html
   704.898971ms  352.449485ms  373.065391ms          0        0       0      2  section/drugs.html
    616.94848ms   616.94848ms   616.94848ms          0        0       0      1  index.html
   540.012297ms   77.144613ms  115.844288ms          0        0       0      7  shortcodes/list_tags.html
   503.828495ms      39.291µs    14.46254ms         10        0       0  12823  partials/seo/twitter.html
   417.736785ms  417.736785ms  417.736785ms          0        0       0      1  section/news.html
   372.477048ms      29.047µs     6.03466ms        100        0       0  12823  partials/seo/google_analytics.html
   230.850853ms      18.004µs    15.90247ms        100        0       0  12822  partials/widgets/search.html
   199.613684ms      15.924µs    2.590154ms          0        0       0  12535  _internal/alias.html
   177.263762ms  177.263762ms  177.263762ms          0        0       0      1  _default/index.json
   161.150165ms  161.150165ms  161.150165ms          0        0       0      1  _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
   149.053666ms     842.111µs   28.463226ms          0        0       0    177  shortcodes/signup.html
   135.941623ms      10.603µs     928.116µs         52        0       0  12821  partials/breadcrumbs.html
   120.664285ms     612.509µs   15.073213ms        100        0       0    197  partials/drugs.html
   100.417936ms       7.831µs     3.42903ms        100        0       0  12822  partials/widgets/signup.html
    83.801527ms       6.535µs     443.204µs        100        0       0  12822  partials/widgets/facebook.html
    51.330466ms   51.330466ms   51.330466ms        100        0       0      1  partials/sections_list.html
    46.139547ms       3.598µs    1.490435ms        100        0       0  12822  partials/widgets/phplist.html
    44.677938ms       3.484µs     703.481µs        100        0       0  12822  partials/widgets/maps_news.html
    33.631752ms       57.49µs    2.271085ms         15        0       0    585  partials/recent.base.html
    33.509695ms      73.647µs     574.629µs          0        0       0    455  shortcodes/notice.html
    22.625575ms   22.625575ms   22.625575ms        100        0       0      1  partials/recent_drugs.html
    20.868221ms   20.868221ms   20.868221ms        100        0       0      1  partials/recent_faq.html
    20.031493ms       1.562µs     142.032µs        100        0       0  12822  partials/site_social.html
    18.351433ms      65.076µs    2.342322ms          0        0       0    282  shortcodes/imgcap.html
    17.947747ms   17.947747ms   17.947747ms        100        0       0      1  partials/recent_psychedelics.html
    17.822127ms   17.822127ms   17.822127ms        100        0       0      1  partials/recent_blog.html
     4.221933ms     168.877µs     696.654µs          0        0       0     25  shortcodes/blockquote.html
     1.768866ms     442.216µs    1.336458ms          0        0       0      4  shortcodes/radio.html
     1.438877ms    1.438877ms    1.438877ms          0        0       0      1  404.html
       555.11µs      555.11µs      555.11µs        100        0       0      1  partials/team.html
      494.945µs     494.945µs     494.945µs        100        0       0      1  partials/testimonials.html
      484.525µs     484.525µs     484.525µs        100        0       0      1  partials/features.html
      432.656µs     432.656µs     432.656µs        100        0       0      1  partials/clients.html
      263.813µs     263.813µs     263.813µs          0        0       0      1  _internal/shortcodes/youtube.html
      249.676µs     249.676µs     249.676µs        100        0       0      1  partials/signup.html
      237.652µs       1.342µs     101.034µs        100        0       0    177  partials/mailchimp.html
      202.968µs     202.968µs     202.968µs        100        0       0      1  partials/welcome.html
      197.717µs     197.717µs     197.717µs        100        0       0      1  partials/hero.html
      168.994µs     168.994µs     168.994µs          0        0       0      1  shortcodes/aboutimg.html
      161.077µs     161.077µs     161.077µs          0        0       0      1  shortcodes/calc.html
        3.056µs       3.056µs       3.056µs          0        0       0      1  robots.txt

Error: Error building site: open /home/stoned/websites/websites/ no such file or directory
Total in 1063379 ms

So now I have to try to make sense out of this.

What exactly would I be looking to optimize in these files? Or how would I find out why they are costing so much time?

417.736785ms 417.736785ms 417.736785ms 0 0 0 1 section/news.html

This template should be used for the news section, but default/single.html is being used 12k times meaning it’s being used for all the news pages instead of the template I created.

I made a news.html in /layouts/section/news.html for that section, but doesn’t seem to be used?

For the items with a cache potential of 100, consider using partialCached.

partials/sidebar.html → 3h34m14s → ouch

<div id="sidebar">
{{ partial "widgets/search.html" . }}
<!--{{ partial "widgets/signup.html" . }}-->
<!--{{ partial "widgets/phplist.html" . }}-->
{{ if .Site.Home }}
    {{ partial "widgets/faq.html" . }}
    {{ partial "widgets/random.html" . }}
{{ partial "widgets/featured.html" . }}
{{ partial "widgets/authors.html" . }}
{{ partial "widgets/categories.html" . }}
{{ partial "widgets/tags.html" . }}
{{ partial "widgets/facebook.html" .}}
<!--{{ partial "widgets/maps_news.html" . }}-->
{{ partial "widgets/recent.html" . }} <!--Oldest-->
<!--{{ partial "widgets/related.html" . }}-->

Sidebar is just loading a few widgets, you can see on shouldn’t cost that much, but why? I’m stumped.

I mean it does have to draw the entire sidebar on every page. I guess I don’t need it on the news page.

Which of those partial calls can you cache, either globally or per section? The partialCached function allows you to fine tune the caching strategy.

After you’ve done that, use bisection to zero-in on the pain.

Also, it seems like you’re generating a very large number of aliases. I have no idea what impact that has on performance, but it caught my attention.

Where are you seeing this?

Also, I just noticed in your sidebar that you tried to comment out the related widget.

<!--{{ partial "widgets/related.html" . }}-->

That doesn’t work.

HTML comments are by default stripped, but their content is still evaluated.

And the related widget …

2h1m10s  --> partials/widgets/related.html --> ouch (again)

To comment it out:

 {{/*  {{ partial "foo.html" }}  */}}

Ohh all my stuff I thought I commented out was still being processed, oh ok. I’ll use the /**/ comments instead. Thanks.

I also suspect that your “related” widget is inefficient. That’s irrelevant if you don’t want to display it, but I’d be interested in seeing the code.

{{ if .Site.Params.widgets.related }}
<div data-pagefind-ignore class="panel panel-default sidebar-menu shadow bg4">
<div class="panel-heading">
            <p class="h4 panel-title"> Related Articles</p>
            <div class="sidebar-recent panel-body">
{{ $page_link := .Permalink }}
{{ $tags := .Params.tags }}
{{ range .Site.RegularPages }}
    {{ $page := . }}
    {{ $has_common_tags := intersect $tags .Params.tags | len | lt 0 }}
            {{ if and $has_common_tags (ne $page_link $page.Permalink) }}
                <div class="item same-height-row clearfix">

                    <div class="name">
                        <h4><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></h4>

                    <div class="image">
                        <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
                        {{ if isset .Params "banner" }}
                            <img src="{{ .Site.BaseURL}}img/placeholder.png" data-src="{{ .Params.banner }}" class="img-responsive shadow" alt="{{.Title}}" width="255" height="192" title="{{.Title}}"  loading="lazy"/>
                        {{ else }}
                            <img src="{{ .Site.BaseURL}}img/placeholder.png" class="img-responsive" alt="{{.Title}}" width="255" height="192" title="{{.Title}}"  loading="lazy" />
                        {{ end }}


            {{ end }}
{{ end }}

            <hr class="hidden-md hidden-lg">
{{ end }}

Here’s the related widget. I’m trying to figure out what I did.

The related widget was commented out html style, so not intended to be displayed, but still costing time. Also, why is it ineffecient?

Yeah, that’s not good. At all.

Use this instead:

You’re ranging through every page, on every page, and using an intersect call which can’t be cheap.

<div data-pagefind-ignore class="related">
    {{ $related := .Site.RegularPages.Related . | first 16 | shuffle }}
    {{ with $related }}
    <div><p class="h1">Related Articles</p></div>
    <div class="row">
        {{ range . }}
        {{ if ne .Section "" }}
        <!--<div class="col-md-2">
            <div class="box-image-text">
                <div class="top shadow">
                    <div class="image" style="overflow:hidden">
                        <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">
                        {{ if isset .Params "banner" }}
                        <img src="{{ .Site.BaseURL}}img/placeholder.png" data-src="{{ .Site.BaseURL}}{{ .Params.banner }}" class="img-responsive" alt="{{.Title}}" title="{{.Title}}" style="max-width: 100px; max-height: 50px;">
                        {{ else }}
                            <img src="{{ .Site.BaseURL}}img/placeholder.png" class="img-responsive" alt="{{.Title}}" width="255" height="192" title="{{.Title}}">
                        {{ end }}
                    <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}"><h4>{{ .Title }}<h4></a>
			<li><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></li>
        {{ end }}
        {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

Yes sir. I use the new method for related.
Here’s the new related widget I use. I never realized that HTML commenting doens’t stop Hugo from processing hugo code.

So far I’ve removed the related ineffecient widget that I wrote before Hugo had the related feature. So that’s off now.

Here’s the code for single.html, which I think was costing because of related. Let’s see.

{{ $baseurl := .Site.BaseURL }}
{{ $image := .Params.images}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
{{ partial "head.html" . }}
    <div id="all">
            {{ partialCached "nav.html" . }}
        <div class="all-after-nav">
            {{ partialCached "breadcrumbs.html" . }}

                {{ if .Params.search_ignore }}
                <div id="content" data-pagefind-ignore>
                {{ else }}
                <div id="content">
                {{ end }}

                    <div class="container">
                        <div class="row">
                            <!-- *** LEFT COLUMN *** -->
                            <div class="col-md-8" id="blog-post">
                            <div class="alert-danger" style="padding: 5px 10px;">
                                    <a href="/disclaimer">DISCLAIMER: Click here to read the disclaimer.</a>
                                <p>You agree to this disclaimer before using this website or any information contained within. If you do not agree with this disclaimer, you may not use this website.</p>
                                <div id="article-top"></div>
                                <div class="text-muted text-uppercase mb-small text-left">
                                    <div class="article-meta article-meta-author">
                                        {{ if }} {{$author := index .Site.Params.authors (}}
                                        <a class="btn btn-danger" href="{{.Site.BaseURL}}authors/{{ $ | urlize }}/">
                                    By {{$author.display_name}}
                                        {{ end }}
                                        <span class="btn btn-success">

                                {{ .Date.Format .Site.Params.date_format }}
                                </span> {{ range $index, $tag := .Params.tags }}
                                        <a class="btn btn-warning" href="{{$baseurl}}tags/{{ $tag | urlize }}/">
                                    {{ $tag }}
                                </a> {{ end }}
                                    <div class="article-meta article-meta-share">
                                        {{ partialCached "share.html" .}}
                                <div class="author-info">
                                <div id="post-content">

                                    <div class="article-toc">
                                        <!--<h2 class="text-primary">{{.Title}}</h2>-->
                                        <div id="ToC">
                                        <p class="h1">Table of Contents</p>
                                    <div class="post-content" style="margin-top: 60px;">
										{{ with $.Params.images }}
											<!--<img src="{{ index . 0 | absURL }}" alt="" class="img-responsive" style="max-height: 420px;"  loading="lazy"/>-->
                                        {{ end }}
                                        {{ .Content }}
                                    {{ partial "related.html" . }}
                                <div id="article-author-info" style="margin-top: 60px;">
                                    {{ partialCached "author.html" .}}
                                <div style="margin-top: 60px;">
									{{ partialCached "tagcloud.html" . }}
                                    <div style="margin: 40px 0;">
										{{ partialCachedCached "most_read.html" . }}
                                    <!-- /#post-content -->
                                    <div id="comments">
                                        {{ if .Site.DisqusShortname }} {{ partial "disqus.html" . }} {{ end }} {{ if .Site.Params.comments.fb }} {{ partialCached "facebook_comments.html" . }} {{ end }}
                            <div class="col-md-4">
                                <!-- *** MENUS AND WIDGETS *** -->
                                {{ partial "sidebar.html" . }}
                                <!-- *** MENUS AND FILTERS END *** -->
            {{ partialCached "footer.html" . }}
        {{ partialCached "scripts.html" . }}

Yup, just realized that. I gotta go around changing all the HTML comments to hugo comments. Should help.