Slow builds with Hextra theme

My site has quite a lot pages. Buillding it takes a while and use up all CPU. Is there anyway to to speed up the build process cause I’m using CF pages and it takes much more time to build (5 minutes)

hugo v0.118.2+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=unknown

Template Metrics:

     cumulative       average       maximum         
       duration      duration      duration  count  template
     ----------      --------      --------  -----  --------
  17m43.774424539s  341.281496ms  464.570159ms   3117  partials/sidebar.html
  14m49.520362706s  353.826715ms  2.103924805s   2514  docs/single.html
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   2.105918947s  2.105918947s  2.105918947s      1  _default/single.html
   1.817362872s  1.817362872s  1.817362872s      1  js/flexsearch.js
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   1.621089421s  1.621089421s  1.621089421s      1  json/search-data.json
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   1.273378661s     409.183µs    19.78279ms   3112  partials/breadcrumb.html
   990.821211ms  330.273737ms  361.278755ms      3  _default/list.html
   688.907384ms     220.874µs   12.849047ms   3119  partials/theme-toggle.html
   502.324181ms     161.415µs   26.255787ms   3112  partials/components/pager.html
   484.864088ms     192.559µs     922.999µs   2518  partials/utils/fragments.html
   339.392032ms     108.884µs   10.723957ms   3117  partials/footer.html
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   268.571544ms      86.163µs    4.803518ms   3117  partials/opengraph.html
   245.918291ms  245.918291ms  245.918291ms      1  hextra-home.html
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   217.143366ms      69.686µs    2.740665ms   3116  partials/toc.html
   180.032812ms      28.879µs    8.605768ms   6234  partials/search.html
   136.328644ms      43.737µs   18.462802ms   3117  partials/utils/page-width.html
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    84.195227ms       27.02µs     691.919µs   3116  partials/components/comments.html
    53.121159ms      17.042µs   16.218433ms   3117  partials/favicons.html
    25.250956ms   25.250956ms   25.250956ms      1  _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
    24.238737ms       9.641µs     365.126µs   2514  shortcodes/rawhtml.html
    13.216082ms        4.24µs    3.065063ms   3117  partials/head-css.html
     3.647529ms       54.44µs     292.688µs     67  shortcodes/card.html
     3.614071ms     722.814µs     855.451µs      5  shortcodes/tab.html
     3.204119ms    3.204119ms    3.204119ms      1  shortcodes/hextra/hero-badge.html
     2.970159ms         952ns     573.153µs   3117  partials/custom/head-end.html
     1.458902ms     182.362µs    1.104156ms      8  shortcodes/hextra/feature-card.html
      473.864µs     473.864µs     473.864µs      1  shortcodes/icon.html
      411.034µs     411.034µs     411.034µs      1  shortcodes/hextra/hero-headline.html
      218.166µs     109.083µs     190.423µs      2  partials/language-switch.html
      160.496µs     160.496µs     160.496µs      1  shortcodes/hextra/feature-grid.html
      149.845µs     149.845µs     149.845µs      1  404.html
      138.584µs      69.292µs     118.787µs      2  shortcodes/tabs.html
        99.81µs      16.635µs      71.266µs      6  shortcodes/cards.html

                   |  EN   
  Pages            | 3719  
  Paginator pages  |    0  
  Non-page files   |    0  
  Static files     | 6726  
  Processed images |    0  
  Aliases          |    0  
  Sitemaps         |    1  
  Cleaned          |    0  
Template Metrics:

     cumulative       average       maximum      cache  percent  cached  total  
       duration      duration      duration  potential   cached   count  count  template
     ----------      --------      --------  ---------  -------  ------  -----  --------
  1h11m15.223847094s  1.700566367s  3.723108386s          0        0       0   2514  docs/single.html
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  17m4.13874766s  1.712606601s   3.15029002s          0        0       0    598  docs/list.html
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  29.106906383s    9.338115ms  2.961663767s         84        0       0   3117  partials/scripts.html
  18.830250172s    6.050851ms   1.24994449s         12        0       0   3112  partials/components/pager.html
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   3.254211742s  3.254211742s  3.254211742s          0        0       0      1  _default/single.html
   3.125610084s    1.002762ms  302.079788ms         94        0       0   3117  partials/navbar.html
   2.958057535s  2.958057535s  2.958057535s          0        0       0      1  js/flexsearch.js
   2.772303655s  2.772303655s  2.772303655s          0        0       0      1  json/search-data.json
   2.324423135s      84.138µs   10.123734ms         32        0       0  27626  partials/utils/icon.html
   1.646970444s  1.646970444s  1.646970444s          0        0       0      1  hextra-home.html
   1.108133334s   16.539303ms  743.714675ms          0        0       0     67  shortcodes/card.html
   473.390865ms     188.002µs    1.148266ms          0        0       0   2518  partials/utils/fragments.html
   408.630441ms     679.917µs   12.980529ms          0        0       0    601  _default/list.rss.xml
   328.305514ms     105.361µs      829.74µs        100        0       0   3116  partials/toc.html
   325.333061ms   40.666632ms  325.054054ms          0        0       0      8  shortcodes/hextra/feature-card.html
   173.680592ms      55.756µs    1.771161ms        100        0       0   3115  partials/components/last-updated.html
   171.013371ms      54.864µs    2.740091ms          7        0       0   3117  partials/opengraph.html
   140.474137ms      22.533µs    1.019029ms        100        0       0   6234  partials/search.html
   140.084677ms      44.942µs    1.298499ms         19        0       0   3117  partials/utils/page-description.html
   129.101685ms      41.431µs    3.434975ms        100        0       0   3116  partials/components/comments.html
     83.38736ms      26.752µs    1.462905ms        100        0       0   3117  partials/utils/page-width.html
    74.589641ms      23.929µs   10.828863ms        100      100    3116   3117  partials/head-css.html
    25.315915ms       8.121µs    9.142074ms        100      100    3116   3117  partials/favicons.html
    24.946966ms   24.946966ms   24.946966ms          0        0       0      1  _internal/_default/sitemap.xml
    21.683486ms       8.625µs      56.337µs          0        0       0   2514  shortcodes/rawhtml.html
     4.409197ms     881.839µs    1.228166ms          0        0       0      5  shortcodes/tab.html
     1.837825ms         589ns      46.988µs        100        0       0   3117  partials/custom/head-end.html
      624.158µs     104.026µs     586.997µs          0        0       0      6  shortcodes/cards.html
      385.126µs     192.563µs     364.407µs        100        0       0      2  partials/language-switch.html
      251.657µs     251.657µs     251.657µs          0        0       0      1  shortcodes/hextra/feature-grid.html
      220.678µs     220.678µs     220.678µs          0        0       0      1  shortcodes/icon.html
      162.938µs      81.469µs      143.15µs          0        0       0      2  shortcodes/tabs.html
      160.524µs     160.524µs     160.524µs          0        0       0      1  shortcodes/hextra/hero-badge.html
      118.484µs     118.484µs     118.484µs          0        0       0      1  shortcodes/hextra/hero-headline.html
      113.495µs     113.495µs     113.495µs          0        0       0      1  404.html

                   |  EN   
  Pages            | 3719  
  Paginator pages  |    0  
  Non-page files   |    0  
  Static files     | 6726  
  Processed images |    0  
  Aliases          |    0  
  Sitemaps         |    1  
  Cleaned          |    0  

Total in 348461 ms

For any partial with a cache potential of 100 use {{ partialCached … in place of {{ partial ….

To be able to help you more than that we need to see the code so post a link to your repo.

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I’m using this theme: GitHub - imfing/hextra: 🔯 Modern, batteries-included Hugo theme for creating beautiful doc, blog and static websites

That’s not a link to your repository but to the theme

Raise an issue with the theme author:

The number of iterations increases quadratically in relation to the number of content pages (i.e., 3000 pages = 90,000,000 iterations).

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