Some folders not updating on web

Hi I have a personal webpage ( developed using RStudio, deployed using Netlify and GitHub. The repo is here: GitHub - ericbrewe/BreweAcademicSite

Recently, the Courses folder and all pages within it stopped updating. I can make changes on RStudio, I can commit / push the changes to GitHub, but they don’t show up on the website. On other parts of the webpage I can edit, commit / push, and they show up just fine. It is only in the Courses folder. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?

Have you examined the netlify build log?

When I visit your site I see this:

The section that’s missing is: content/courses/EDUC_847

That directory does not have an _index.html file.

I did, there is nothing that I think looks even a little like it is a clue.

See my previous comment.

Yes, and when I update any of the other courses, it does not update.

That solved it. I have no idea at what point I lost the html file.

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