The “problem” is that the name “GNU/Linux” has a slash inside.
I created the page tags/guide-on-gnu-linux/ and changed draft to false in the front matter of that file. Then, using sed in the terminal, I changed the tags of the various posts from “Guide on GNU-Linux” to “Guide on GNU/Linux”.
The result is that now, in the taxonomy list page (/tags/) I have two entries:
“Guide on GNU/Linux” that points to /tags/guide-on-gnu-linux/ but the page is empty (there is only the title of the page);
“Guide on GNU/Linux” that points to /tags/guide-on-gnu/linux/, with all posts under that tag.
No. That is not what I recommended. See my previous comment, and this example:
git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-38465 hugo-forum-topic-38465
cd hugo-forum-topic-38465
hugo server