Site title is duplicated on google


hello im having a problem in my hugo website my website title is duplicated on google, check the image above, can you guys please help me fix this

my repo is :

You need to override line 7 of themes/casper/layouts/partials/ according to your needs:

<title>{{ if .IsHome }}{{ .Title }}{{ else }}{{ .Title }} &minus; {{ .Site.Title }}{{ end }}</title>

The way to override is by creating the same file under the root of your project like so:

By doing the above you will be able to update the Casper theme in the future while keeping your override at the same time.

Hi sorry im a newbie here you said i have to create another head.html file in the root of my project i understand this but what should i do with the code in line 7

{{ if .IsHome }}{{ .Title }}{{ else }}{{ .Title }} &minus; {{ .Site.Title }}{{ end }}

In the above .Title stands for the title parameter entered in the front matter of a content file like so:
title = "Some-title"

.Site.Title refers to the title parameter entered in the configuration file of the project in config.toml

Unfortunately I cannot read Arabic, so I cannot understand the parameters of your project’s content files.