Hello, I am very new in hugo. I have made a portfolio site by using Academic theme. after editing/adding content of the site I have deleted the git repository from my pc. when I clone the git repo and try to rebuild there is many error like “short code error …” here is my custom site git repo please tell me how can I clone and build my site. I have been trying for two days.
ERROR: 2017/09/26 07:22:14 template_funcs.go:1155: No page found with path or logical name "post/writing-markdown-latex.md".
ERROR: 2017/09/26 07:22:14 template_funcs.go:1155: No page found with path or logical name "post/widgets.md".
ERROR: 2017/09/26 07:22:14 template_funcs.go:1155: No page found with path or logical name "post/managing-content.md".
ERROR: 2017/09/26 07:22:14 template_funcs.go:1155: No page found with path or logical name "post/managing-content.md".
Your rendered home page is blank: /index.html is zero-length
* Did you specify a theme on the command-line or in your
"config.toml" file? (Current theme: "academic")
* For more debugging information, run "hugo -v"
note : I just noticed that my theme folder has a folder is “academic” but that is emepty. I did not deleted anything. I just followed the academic theme instruction.
Like the error message says, you likely have no theme. And you mentioned yourself that the theme folder is empty. That’s not good: Hugo needs the theme files in that folder to be able to render the website.
I suspect something went wrong with step 2 of the academic theme installation instructions. On that page, for step 2, it also links to a zip file with the theme. You can copy those zip contents into your theme folder.
(I just checked, the zip file looks good with the needed files in it. So that should work fine.)
I have copied the academic theme content in the theme folder but this time I am also having issue. At the beginning I did not added any submodule but everything was working fine.