Quick Start:: blank page at step 5

I’m working through the Quick Start but when I get to looking at localhost::1313 the page is blank.

What might I have done incorrectly?

Please show us exactly what commands you issued and what files you created, as well as output (or indicate there was no output) from each step.

In addition, please let us know how you installed Hugo, and where it is located, and your PATH.

In addition, please let us know how you installed Hugo, and where it is
located, and your PATH.


hugo-0.101.0-x86_64-1_SBo is installed here on Slackware-14.2-x86_64.

Please show us exactly what commands you issued and what files you
created, as well as output (or indicate there was no output) from each

hugo new site qs-aesllc

cd qs-aesllc
git init
git submodule add GitHub - theNewDynamic/gohugo-theme-ananke: Ananke: A theme for Hugo Sites themes/ananke

echo theme = "ananke" >> config.toml

hugo new posts/my-first-post.md
(changed metadata to draft: false)

$ hugo server -D
Start building sites …
hugo v0.101.0-466fa43c16709b4483689930a4f9ac8add5c9f66 linux/amd64 BuildDate=2022-06-16T07:09:16Z VendorInfo=gohugoio
WARN 2022/09/14 14:49:35 found no layout file for “HTML” for kind “page”: You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination.
WARN 2022/09/14 14:49:35 found no layout file for “HTML” for kind “taxonomy”: You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination.
WARN 2022/09/14 14:49:35 found no layout file for “HTML” for kind “page”: You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination.
WARN 2022/09/14 14:49:35 found no layout file for “HTML” for kind “taxonomy”: You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination.
WARN 2022/09/14 14:49:35 found no layout file for “HTML” for kind “home”: You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination.
WARN 2022/09/14 14:49:35 found no layout file for “HTML” for kind “section”: You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination.

hugo-0.101.0-x86_64-1_SBo is installed here on Slackware-14.2-x86_64.

Just upgraded to hugo-0.102.3-x86_64-1_SBo:
$ hugo server -D
Start building sites …
hugo v0.101.0-466fa43c16709b4483689930a4f9ac8add5c9f66 linux/amd64 BuildDate=2022-06-16T07:09:16Z VendorInfo=gohugoio
WARN 2022/09/14 17:37:53 found no layout file for “HTML” for kind “page”: You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination.
WARN 2022/09/14 17:37:53 found no layout file for “HTML” for kind “section”: You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination.
WARN 2022/09/14 17:37:53 found no layout file for “HTML” for kind “taxonomy”: You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination.
WARN 2022/09/14 17:37:53 found no layout file for “HTML” for kind “page”: You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination.
WARN 2022/09/14 17:37:53 found no layout file for “HTML” for kind “taxonomy”: You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination.
WARN 2022/09/14 17:37:53 found no layout file for “HTML” for kind “home”: You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination.

Should be

echo theme = \"ananake\" >>config.toml

From the output, the theme is not being applied, and the above would explain why.

To confirm, what is is the resulting config.toml you ended up with?

It should have

theme = "ananke"


theme = ananke

and if you omitted the backlashes you would end up with the latter.

Also, when posting code or output in the forums, please use ‘code blocks’.

That is before the code or output put ``` on a separate line, then the code or output, and then ``` on a separate line at the end.

Like this:

some code

Or echo "theme = 'ananke'" >> config.toml will work too.

1 Like

Should be

echo theme = \"ananake\" >>config.toml


I highlighted Step 3 and must have missed the second part:
echo theme = "ananke" >> config.toml

To confirm, what is is the resulting config.toml you ended up with?

baseURL = ‘http://example.org/
languageCode = ‘en-us’
title = ‘My New Hugo Site’
theme = “ananke”

Entering the echo command fixes the problem.

Also, when posting code or output in the forums, please use ‘code blocks’.

Like this:

some code

Okay. I can do that in Alpine. Wasn’t aware of this.

Thanks for seeing my error,


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