Below listing and pagination codes works when my posts are under /content/
Nothing is displayed on homepage when I move posts into subdirectory (posts section): /content/posts/
How to modify below code examples?
It doesn’t work on homepage. It works on taxonomy pages and /posts/
<div class="latest-posts-section">
<div class="loop-wrap">
{{ $paginator := .Paginate .RegularPages }} # I think this should be changed
{{ if $paginator }}
{{- range $paginator.Pages -}}
{{ partial "post-card.html" . }}
{{ end }}
<div class="break"></div>
<div class="pagination">
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}page/2/" aria-label="Load more" style="display: none;"></a>
<button class="button-primary">Load more</button>
{{ end }}