Pagination not working on Homepage, but works on the List template page

List template (baseurl/posts/) page works fine, it displays few posts then there is a button to load-more (infinity-scroll script), then I can view more posts. Homepage doesn’t display any list of posts. It can not see any posts.

index.html template (code redacted):

{{- partial "pagination.html" . -}}


    <div class="latest-posts-section">
      <div class="loop-wrap">
        {{ $paginator := .Paginate (where .Pages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections) }}
        {{ if $paginator }}
        {{- range $paginator.Pages -}}
        {{ partial "post-card.html" . }}
        {{ end }}
      <div class="break"></div>
      {{ if gt (len (where .Pages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections )) 6 }}
      <div class="pagination">
        {{ with $paginator }}
        <a href="/posts/page/2/" aria-label="Load more" style="display: none;"></a>
        <button class="button-primary">Load more</button>
        {{ end }}
      {{ end }}
      {{ end }}

Collection of regular pages and only first-level section pages under the current list page.

The .Pages collection will be different depending on the current list page.

In your code, change .Pages to site.RegularPages.

where site.RegularPages

not working

I moved files under “content” directory instead “posts” subdirectory (removed “posts” section) and changed the code into:

    <div class="latest-posts-section">
      <div class="loop-wrap">
        {{ $paginator := .Paginate .RegularPages }}
        {{ if $paginator }}
        {{- range $paginator.Pages -}}
        {{ partial "post-card.html" . }}
        {{ end }}
      <div class="break"></div>
      <div class="pagination">
        <a href="/posts/page/2/" aria-label="Load more" style="display: none;"></a>
        <button class="button-primary">Load more</button>
      {{ end }}

Now, I have weird behaviour.
Homepage works fine.
Tags (taxonomy) list page, first post-cards are not displayed, but when clicked “Load more” then next posts are displayed correctly.

Yes, it is. Try it:

git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-41917 hugo-forum-topic-41917
cd hugo-forum-topic-41917
hugo server

Additionally, you have hardcoded the page collection in your “pagination” partial. That’s not going to work. I suggest you pass a page collection to the partial.

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