Please help this template (taxonomies)

The following code is very slow and a bit inelegant. What is the correct way of doing it?

I want to add a line to a table for each taxonomy term that is set in a page’s front matter.

{{- range $p, $v := .Params -}}
{{- range $taxonomy_term, $taxonomy := $.Site.Taxonomies -}}
{{- $taxsing := $taxonomy_term | singularize -}}
{{- if (eq $p   $taxonomy_term) -}}
<tr><th>{{  $taxsing }}:</th><td> {{range $v }}<a href="{{ "/" | relLangURL}}{{ $taxonomy_term | lower | urlize }}/{{ . | lower | urlize }}/">{{ . }}</a>{{end}}</td></tr>
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

Do you have a lot of taxonomies?
I use this consturct for tags, replace the link with your table row

{{ if isset .Params "tags" -}}
	{{ range $index, $name := .Params.tags -}}
             <a href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="Index: {{.Name}}">{{.Name}}</a>
	{{- end }}
{{- end }}

Why ranging over page parameters?

Thanks. isset is what I was looking for.