Personal blog (migrated from WordPress)

Don’t know if it qualifies as “cool” site, but I moved my personal blog from WordPress to Hugo - was quite some work transfering the ~1.000 articles and all the media.

Main reason was that WordPress and my personal needs grew apart during the last months / years and I was looking for a solution that better suited my needs.

The theme was also migrated from WordPress with some small changes here and there, the search and comments are PHP-based. I wanted to minimize the use of Javascript as much as possible, only Javascript-component (and only 3rd party component) is the lightbox script.



@jmooring Thanks and also thanks for all the work you do here in the forums!

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Thanks for sharing and welcome here,
if you plan to use Hugo to publish audio and video, this ongoing project may interest you:
I’m using it to collect and share traditional songs, here is a recent page, in french: Heyamoli |

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I have site on wordpress want to migrate on hugo. Don’t know much about it. Can you tell me more about it?


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I used a custom Perl script to create the Hugo site right out of the WP database.

Rough steps are described in Von WordPress zu Hugo Teil 2: Export [German language]

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