is it possible set I can set permanent links for different languages. For german blog, english posts and so on.
Thank you for help.
is it possible set I can set permanent links for different languages. For german blog, english posts and so on.
Thank you for help.
Looks like you could create duplicate posts and then set different permalink using the multilingual settings.
I use hugo for my sites, so this all is clear. But my question is can I set
blog = "/blog/:year/:month/:day/:title"
per Language?
As @DoctorOW mentioned, this section of the docs answers your question https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#localizing-permalinks
A quick example using slug
Permalink configuration (for all languages) in your config.toml
post = "/:slug/"
Front matter of content/page.en.md
slug: hello
Front matter of content/page.fr.md
slug: bonjour