I’m in the process of building a photoblog feed, and since the image files will need to be processed, that requires using a page bundle with index.md and the image files contained within that post bundle.
Now, since I’m a photographer, I want to build a template that resizes the original exports and uses the exif information from the photograph because it was also processed (page resource).
The alternative, and I haven’t investigated this in detail, is I could use something like Transform images | Netlify Docs and avoid page bundles entirely?
Or, if my goal is to serve content, and not live a life of headache and troubleshooting over the next month or two while I build this out, is it best to avoid server side image processing and git lfs?
I think manually processing the images and sticking with page bundles might be the right call. Why go through the headache of figuring out how to do it some fancier way? I’d assume they use a better image processor on their end but I don’t know anything about the image processing engine in hugo. Plus in 2022, human eyes can’t tell anymore, especially on a compressed internet.
But I am interested in webp as well. Another point to Hugo for processing possibly.
Now that I’ve thought about it, Image Processing inside Hugo is definitely the better way to go, if my personal website outgrows a free Netlify account, I’ll buy the whole dev team coffee or beers, and then I’ll scramble to relearn all this stuff again and upgrade to git lfs.
and I process 40 photographs a month. And we render say renders 8 transformations each. That is 480 transformations a month? I assume those are permanently cached and never reprocessed on builds (in a perfect world).
Page bundles and image processing are not by definition related. You can configure your static uploads directory to be your resources directory. That way you can keep your images centralised.
I’m not sure if doing a git lfs or implementing some additional steps to deploying/maintaining things is ever going to be worth it. I plan to go with Netlify for now, and I’d like to reduce the costs as much as possible. So far, for my portfolio website, I should be fine on free tiers of everything.
Maybe I just wait for down the road when I have time or enough content to justify to effort, and stick to internal processing for now.