One last question from Newbie


Thank you so much, that you answer to my 2 last questions: 2 questions from Newbie. Please, let me ask one last question before I move to Hugo.

Is the GoHugo successful in business/financial plane? Will the Hugo framework continue growth and development? Could it be that in 2-3 years the project will close and will no longer be supported? Sorry for bad English.

I’m just worried, because before I used Jigsaw SSG based on PHP. But now seems developer leave the project, and that framework is not supported anymore.

For Example, there is a Jekyll. And Jekyll supported by Github. Also, there is Gatsby. And Gatsby gets millions dollars from sponsors. And those projects are successful as a business, and they are don’t be closed in 2-3 years.

How about Hugo?

I apologize for the arrogant question, but I’m worried about my future projects.

maybe this can help

What is it? Sorry, but it’s not relevant to my question.

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that no-one’s very good at predicting the future.

That said, the benefit of Hugo (and, I would guess, any SSG) is since your site is simply HTML/CSS/JS and other assets, even if Hugo stopped being supported, your website would keep running without any security issues.

And since the ‘backend’ is markdown and templates, it’s not too hard to move to another SSG.

Sorry this was the lase thread :frowning:

I don’t have an answer to your question about the future of Hugo.

However, Hugo seems like a good platform that can serve as a jumping off point to more complex relationships with other Static Site Generators, if you so choose. I don’t think you’ll be wasting your time, and if you find Jekyll or Gatsby more interesting, you can take what you learned from Hugo and apply (some of) it there.

Personally I don’t like javascript so I would never use Gatsby. Someone comparing Hugo and Gatsby (and preferring Gatsby) said you really must know javascript to be able to use it. So it has a very niche audience, i.e. the hordes of mooks writing terrible javascript. :slight_smile:

I’m not especially experienced with Static Site Generators, but I’m happy with Hugo’s simplicity. I don’t want to work with huge elaborate frameworks that make me learn fake invented technologies that break everywhere or are heavy and slow.

P.S. I plan on giving the Hugo devs a BILLION DOLLARS once my web programming career takes off.

I think the answer is it depends. You have to determine what your requirements are, what you want out of the tool, what your future projects may look like, etc. etc.

Here are some reasons why I like it:

  • It’s a single binary that can be used on any OS. Download it, add it to your PATH, be done. And if the current version meets your needs, theoretically you would never need to upgrade
  • It’s fast. No other static site generator tool I know of can build that many pages in that less of time
  • It’s simple. You write your HTML templates to look how you like. Then you can focus on writing content. And it supports markdown well, which I love
  • This community. I used to be very active here, but not much these days (life happens). Checking back in recently, it’s clear things are still top notch. How many other places will get you a quality, no-cost answer within 24 hours?

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