Omit specific warning... (asciidoctor)

HI there,
I am using asciidoctor to generate my sites from markdown, for latex I am getting a specific warning like the following:
WARN posts/web/17_analog_computers_101.adoc: asciidoctor: DEBUG: : line 30: unknown style for paragraph: latex

about all sites, how can I solve or omit this warning messages?

The built-in paragraph styles are: normal, literal, verse, quote, listing, TIP, NOTE, IMPORTANT, WARNING, CAUTION, abstract, partintro, comment, example, sidebar, source, music, latex, graphviz.

The last three (music, latex, and graphviz) are not supported by asciidoctor:

With this site configuration:

verbose = true

And this AsciiDoc markup:




Hugo emits warnings such as:

WARN  _index.adoc: asciidoctor: DEBUG: <stdin>: line 46: unknown style for paragraph: music
WARN  _index.adoc: asciidoctor: DEBUG: <stdin>: line 49: unknown style for paragraph: latex
WARN  _index.adoc: asciidoctor: DEBUG: <stdin>: line 52: unknown style for paragraph: graphviz

The only way to hide those warnings is to hide all asciidoctor warnings.

verbose = false # default is false

Many thanks,

that last command helped me to filter out the irrelevant error messages and fix the rest…

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