I have a file, content/about.md. It has the front matter:
title = "about"
description = "about this site"
date = "2014-09-27"
slug = "slug me"
type = "about"
in my config.toml, I have
post = "/blog/:year/:month/:day/:title/"
page = "/:title/"
about = "/:filename/"
If “slug” is set in the front matter, the permalink value for “about” is ignored. No matter what I change the link for type “about” to, it renders to the slug location, public/slug-me/. If I comment out the slug, then it will render to the permalink specified in the configuration, public/about/.
The permalink setting works for sections like “post.” I just can’t seem to get it work for other types.
I am using hugo_0.12_darwin_amd64.