News Feed broken?

Curious why the news doesn’t get updated? Would be nice to get an RSS feed of updates back again.

Those are only from the GitHub Releases page now. Its RSS feed is at

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IIRC, updates to that page was halted because it was too time consuming. Tracking the project via it’s source in GitHub is one of the option. I have mine setup to receive email if there are updates.



May I suggest we get the releases from I can do that and to submit a PR.


See I abandoned this due to API rate limits.

Thank you for trying. And for telling me.

Sadly, only the XML is unlimited.

Couldn’t isProduction to be used?

Perhaps, but I’m not sure that we can predict how contributors will build locally, or how often.

Additionally, given that (a) we create a new topic in this forum for each release and (b) users can subscribe to GitHub releases, I’m not convinced that we need to do anything.

Well, I disagree. It gives the project an aspect of being abandoned.

Anyway, thank you! Thank you so much for let me know.


We certainly don’t want prospective users to reach that conclusion. Let me think about this a bit, and thank you for your insight.

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Hey, @jmooring ! I didn’t know Hugo can parse XML now! We could use that!

What do you think?