Multilingual sitemap canonical conflic on main language

I have a problem with my multilingual sitemap , the main language (‘fr’ here) sitemap does not display the canonical url : see displays Urls as
instead of :

The other sitemaps for “en” , “de” are well

The hugo.toml parts for that are :

changefreq = "weekly"
priority = 0.5
filename = "sitemap.xml"
theme = 'ananke'

defaultContentLanguage = 'fr'
#defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true // no because the 404 page does not display

So Google Search Console tells me that my /fr pages given are not canonical
What should I modify please ?

thank you for your help

the only solution I found was to activate in hugo.toml :

defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true 

In you site configuration, theme and defaultContentLanguage belong in the root table, not under the sitemap table.

You might want to look at the TOML guide:

ah yes , sorry it was in this order (I just picked up some parts) :

theme = 'ananke'

defaultContentLanguage = 'fr'

changefreq = "weekly"
priority = 0.5
filename = "sitemap.xml"

You are telling Hugo to publish the ‘fr’ pages to the root of the public directory, so that is their canonical location.

I do not understand well your answer. You mean that the parameters I wrote ask Hugo to do so.
Yes I do imagine, but it is not recommended in fact for the SEO.

I mean Google saw that the ‘/fr/add’ is the canonical for ‘/add’ ( I do not know how…) , so that is to be avoided.

Is the solution to activate in hugo.toml :

defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true 

It works now in test of the site , and I have no more problems with the 404 pages as beginning of that month.

If you want the fr site served from, then set defaultContentLanguageInSubdir to true.

Ok thank you @jmooring !

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