Hugo 0.115.2 packages
Brew - Hugo Brew package for macOS and Linux - updated
Snap Package - Hugo Snap (Snapcraft) package for Linux - not yet updated
Docker/CI Image - Hugo Docker image for Continuous Integration - updated
Debian (unstable) - not yet updated (Track link)
Ubuntu (hirsute) - not yet updated (Track link )
Fedora Copr - Hugo RPM package for Fedora and CentOS - updated
Chocolatey Package - Hugo Chocolatey package for Windows
- traditional release - updated
- extended release - updated
Hi, I checked the output with my - “de” with disabled “en”, default in subdir - setting.
a) content and dirs are ok.
b) sitemap in “/de” but no sitemapindex in the root.
Q: Is b) correct?
In my understanding: an index map in the root with the link to the de map should be provided.
Well, Hugo has never created a sitemapindex when you have only 1 language defined. With the new behehaviour introduced above, maybe we should.
Also missing index.html in root that redirects to defaultContentLanguage subdirectory.
Because such a language configuration is a “pseudo static language” setting, one can put the siteimapindex in the static dir. 115.2 provides the “automatic” creation and building parts. So it’s okay for me.
No, I think that your and @jmooring comment makes perfectly sense, it just didn’t cross my mind when doing the above. If someone could create a “Github reminder”, I will fix.
Thank you all!
Is this related?
That issue is closed, fixed with With v0.115.2:
this configuration...
disableKinds = ['taxonomy','term']
enableRobotsTXT = true
defaultContentLanguage = 'en'
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
contentDir = 'content/en'
languageCode = 'en-US'
languageName = 'English'
weight = 1
contentDir = 'content/de'
disabled = true
languageCode = 'de-DE'
languageName = 'Deutsch'
weight = 2
produces this site...
├── en/
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── index.xml
│ └── sitemap.xml
└── robots.txt
This is a issue about a release, not a bug tracker.
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