Move base Taxonomy pages?


I’d like to have my base taxonomy content pages be someone else other than the root. They seam to be out of place there and clutter up my otherwise neet layout.

    course-topics: "/capabilities/training-courses/course-topics"
    course-vendors: "/capabilities/training-courses/course-vendors"
    course-learning-experiences: "/capabilities/training-courses/course-learning-experiences"
    customer-industry: "/company/customers/industry"
    course-topics: "/capabilities/training-courses/:slug/"
    course-vendors: "/capabilities/training-courses/:slug/"
    course-learning-experiences: "/capabilities/training-courses/:slug/"
    customer-industry: "/company/customers/:slug/"
    resources: /:sections/:slug/
    course: /:sections/:slug/

I already move the generated pages to the right location, but I still need to have their markdown files under /content/taxonomyName.

Can I have these placed elsewhere?

best case I can put them in the folder they are supposed to be in, worst case Id settle for a /content/taxonomies/taxonomyName so that they are all off the root.

Well, they’re content, just like any other content.

You could mess around with content mounts, but I’d move on to other things.

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Already moved :slight_smile: