The problem is that text1 isn’t getting <p></p> around it’s text as each paragraph in text2 is.
In this example it’s easy enough just to add the <p></p> in the layout, but the idea is that there is only one text field, and some times is just formatted as text1 and other times like text2 (with linebreaks).
I havn’t been able to find a proper solution, and i’m not sure if there is a config for Blackfriday that could be set to consider a single string as a paragraph too.
I did manage to find that issue on github, but noticed it was closed without specifying exactly what the fix was - Hence why i asked about what i could do. I guess i can only create a new issue, or comment on that old closed one.
The workaround that people are showing doesn’t really work, as manually wrapping things in <p> is really tedious. But thanks for responding, hoped it was fixed
I hadn’t had this specific issue, and don’t recall all the details as this has come up before. I mentally marked it as a “Blackfriday” thing, which more active members of our community take over to that project’s issue queue, and then it gets fixed in an update.
I imagine this issue is an edge case in that many folks don’t check nor care the p elements are being omitted. Here’s hoping it gets noticed and fixed!
Yeah looks like that is a workaround, but in the end it’s a workaround that shouldn’t be necessary IMO. But thank you for sharing - I will use that and hope the GitHub issue will get traction.