Markdown Headings not rendering on site


I’ve been trying a few different configuration changes, after reading the various Hugo documentation on Markdown and Markdown Configuration but I am still unsure of why when checked with a Markdown validator (or even preview in my IDE or on Github) the headings within my post looks good, but on the published site, my headings look like this. Plus, the rest of my markdown attributes look fine.

Link to repo:

I can see where in my theme, it’s got a section on Headings that looks okay to me, and I’ve also tried adding more explicit markdown configuration within my hugo.toml (locally) - screenshot attached.

But being newer to working with markdown rendering and parsing, I’m not sure what is going wrong here and how to fix it? Thanks!

This is handled by your theme’s styling.

Thank you! I’ll have a look. :face_with_monocle:

So that’s where I was generally looking re: the Headings configuration in the theme, so I’ll have a deeper look at that file to see what changes may need to be made.

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