Anyone else having problems with VSCode since BigSur OS ??
this is a new post - and closed my old topic - but in summary Hugo was not detecting changes in files and taking 45000ms on average to rebuild … if it did detect a change
I deleted my local dev environment, deleted Hugo and deleted VScode - then reinstalled them
results …
Hugo server -D ran in 6000 ms
open VScode
Edit existing .md file
Hugo didnt pick up any changes
But when i discard the changes … and I quit VScode - (some 10 mins later )… then it noticed, and took 13000ms to rebuild
I also used another editor … to edit same file, changes detected immediately.
rebuild was done in 6670 ms (in comparison)
The reason I have not upgraded is not because of Hugo (or: not the main reason).
That said: I assume you run Hugo with a new M1 Mac under Rosetta 2 (?) (as Hugo will not get a native build until Go 1.1.6 around February), which I heard reports about “mostly working OK”.
The above was probably not helpful … As a side not, I have ordered a new Mac Mini M1 which should arrive in a few days, but I will still hold on with the Big Sur upgrade for my main MacBook until spring.
Yes. Big Sur is a big and bold step from Apple, but I guess they also knew that there would be some pain before programs got compatible – which is probably why they introduced the lower specced variants first.
I have 2014 mac mini - which has been reformatted last month - so its got a fresh upgrade to to Big Sur - ill put VSCode and Hugo on it tomorrow and report back