Loop md file params

  • md file
	template = "features_section.html"
	label1	 = "Built for the new token economy"
	icon1	 = "../img/features/token_icon.svg"
	label2	 = "Optimized for the best experience"
	icon2	 = "../img/features/experience_icon.svg"
	label3	 = "Built for the cloud"
	icon3	 = "../img/features/cloud_icon.svg"
	label4	 = "Built with an open standard"
	icon4	 = "../img/features/standard_icon.svg"
  • html

            { range *how can I define this * }
              <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6">
                  <div class="feature-item">
                      <div >
                          <img src="{{ .Params.feature.icon1 }}">
                      <h4>{{ .Params.feature.label1 }}</h4>

I have checked [SOLVED] Loop through data file with keys.
Btw, want to do with above style. Means markdown file content style.
Is this impossible?
Hope to kindly response.

icon = "../img/features/token_icon.svg"
label = "Built for the new token economy"

icon = "../img/features/experience_icon.svg"
label = "Optimized for the best experience"

icon = "../img/features/cloud_icon.svg"
label = "Built for the cloud"

icon = "../img/features/standard_icon.svg"
label = "Built with an open standard"
{{ range .Params.feature }}
  {{ .icon }}
  {{ .label }}
{{ end }}

:+1: thanks

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