List all pages and section indexes by weight

Consider this content structure

sec1/             // weight: 100
    subsec1/         // weight: 50      // weight: 100      // weight: 10
       // weight: 50
    subsec2/         // weight: 15
       // weigth: 25
    // weight: 10
sec2/             // weight: 5
    subsec3/         // weight: 1      // weight: 2

How can I create a template that will list the sections and pages according to their weight on the respective level they are at?

The output should be:

		<a>sec2</a> <!-- weight: 5 -->
				<a>subsec3</a> <!-- weigth: 1 -->
						<a>d-content</a> <!-- weight: 2 -->
		<a>sec1</a> <!-- weight: 100 -->
				<a>subsec2</a> <!-- weight: 15 -->
						<a>subsubsec2</a> <!-- weight: 25 -->
								<a>c-content</a> <!-- weight: 10 -->
				<a>subsec1</a> <!-- weight: 50 -->
						<a>b-content</a> <!-- weight: 10 -->
						<a>subsubsec1</a> <!-- weight: 50 -->
						<a>a-content</a> <!-- weight: 100 -->

As you can see, I want to list actual pages and section index pages by their weight.

However, I only found examples that list either Pages or Section Index pages, but no example of how to list both of them in the same (weighted) list…

Some more googling and playing around revealed a good answer:

<!-- nav.html -->
	{{ partial "nav-list.html" . }}

<!-- nav-list.html -->
{{ $topics := .Sections | union .Pages }}
{{ range $topics.ByWeight }}
		<a href="{{ .URL }}">{{ .Title }}</a>
			{{ partial "nav-list.html" . }}
{{ end }}