Section list with titles, ordered by weight, plus subsections

I added files to my sections, including titles and weights. How do I create a list of all sections with the titles being displayed instead of the section slug/folder name?

When I make a list like this: {{ range $section, $taxonomy := .Site.Sections }}, I won’t have access to the variables set in the front matter.

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Let me expand on this. I have the following directory structure.

|_ section1
  |_ subsection1
  |_ subsection2
|_ section2

Now I want to render a menu that lists the section titles ordered by weight, the underlying subsections (types) ordered by weight and the posts of the subsections.

    Section 1
        Subsection 1
            <li>Post 1</li>
            <li>Post 2</li>
        Subsection 1
            <li>Post 1</li>
    Section 2