Nav with site home and each top section


My website content is organized as follows:

├── section1
│   ├── bar
│   └── foo
└── section2
    ├── bar
    └── foo

I want to achieve two things:

  1. In each page that inherits baseoff.html, I want to get the name of the “section”, in the sense that here, a section is either Section 1, Section 2, or the home page.
  2. I want to create a nav bar with urls to the home page and the two sections.

I tried to play with this blog entry, but did not manage anything.

Could you please help me on this? Thanks a lot.

Try this Menu Templates | Hugo. But this is recommended.

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<p>Section: {{ .Section }}</p>

Define the menu in site config:

name = 'Home'
pageRef = '/'
weight = 2
name = 'Section 1'
pageRef = '/section-1'
weight = 2
name = 'Section 2'
pageRef = '/section-2'
weight = 3

Then range over site.Menus.main to build your navigation. In its simplest form, something like:

{{ range site.Menus.main }}
  <a href="{{ .URL }}">{{ .Name }}</a>
{{ end }}
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Thanks a lot to both of you. This way of doing the menu is brilliant. I just had to change pageRef = ... to url = ... to make it work (thanks to this page in the docs).

For the {{ .Section }}, the problem is that the homepage/index is not considered a section. Therefore, {{ .Section }}is empty on the homepage. Furthermore, when in a section, this syntax does not allow to use the title given in section1/ or section2/

P.-S. : @jmooring you helped me the other day on this topic, and just so you know, I made the FAQ as you advised. I am now very happy with this solution.

This is how I do my menus. In every section/page I want to appear in the menu (I have header and footer menus) I add something like this in the or the page frontmatter

    name: Section1
    weight: 1

For example

title: Section1
url: /section1/
    name: Section1
    weight: 1

Then range over the menus using an example similar to the example shared by @jmooring . For footer menu, I change main to footer in the code.

In your case you can replicate the same in the at the root of content and for section1 and section2 (and remember to change the weight depending on the preferred order in the menu).

BTW, Hugo is versatile and I have seen about 4 ways to create menus with it.

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