Hi Guys,
I am trying to build multilingual website in English (default) and Russian. So far, I managed to translate a few posts by changing markdown name from Post.md to Post.ru.md. I want to do the same with the html parials on my home page. I have subheader.html in my partials which is in Englsh and it is included in the home page. I tried to add subheader.ru.html and hoped that it will show the russian template on the home page but it is obviously not working like that. I thought i could write a function to include the subheader partial based on the language but my knowledge is very limited… Here is my home page:
<div class="container">
{{ if .Site.Params.showSubheader }}
{{ partial "subheader.html" . }}
{{ end }}
How can i include a check in the template so it shows the subheader.ru.html on the russian language? Or is there any simpler way to accomplish this? Thank you in advance!