I’m trying to deploying a static site using an Hugo Theme through GitHub and Netlify, but i do not know why the images aren’t displayed.
In a local environment there is not this problem.
Obs.: I am using universal hugo theme
I’m trying to deploying a static site using an Hugo Theme through GitHub and Netlify, but i do not know why the images aren’t displayed.
In a local environment there is not this problem.
Obs.: I am using universal hugo theme
If you open DevTools you’ll see some errors, that is the first hint
Then if I inspect one of your broken images, for example this one
<img src="http://aspartners.com.br~/static/img/as_partners.png" alt=" soon" class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">
I notice you’re including static
in the img src path. You need to remove that
Hi @zwbetz! Tks for your support!
I do not have a large experience with blogdown and this is my first experience with this static site generator.
I have tried this in a complete new static site using the function: blogdown::serve_site and I realized the same problem, during the local serving there is not any problem (display all the images), when I tried to deply in Netlify I’ve lost the images. I do not know how I could solve this.
Since your question is more blogdown related (which I have no experience with, and is off topic for this forum) I’d recommend posting it to the R Studio forums
A wild guess at part of the problem, since I don’t know blogdown either: Looking at your site I see the broken post images, so if I then look at the content files, I see something like:
banner: img/banners/banner-5.jpg
- lorem
date: "2015-10-10T13:07:31+02:00"
- ipsum
title: Migrate from Jekyll
draft: true
That img path is assuming relativity from the location of the post, but, the images are actually in /static/img/...
so, you need to add a leading slash in the frontmatter.
banner: /img/banners/banner-5.jpg
Unfortunately @RickCogley, it didn´t work…tks for help!
The ~
in the url is wrong. Search for it, take it out.
Seconly as mentioned before: /static/
is most probably too not part of the url as all static items are copied into the root directory on build.
Currently there’s some problems as there’s no / between the end of your domain name as the folder your assets are located.
I think you need to have a trailing / in your baseURL setting. So change https://github.com/andresalerno/hugo-site-v1/blob/master/config.toml#L1 to read baseURL = "http://aspartners.com.br/"