Hi, I am using content adapter to
- make a call to an API to get a list of resources
- for each resource, make another call and get some metadata
- for each resource, construct an image path for a IIIF server, get the image, and store it as a resource for each page.
All works as expected for small collections (up to 10 items). For a call of 60, say, 5 or 10 of the images will be unreadable. Different ones each time. In server logs, there is no record of any problems. I am not sure what’s wrong with the images; they have the correct filesize and are named and placed appropriately. When I view that image via a IIIF api call, they render fine.
I clear the central hugo cache frequently.
I’ve spent several days on this and am really at a loss. Any help greatly appreciated.
I just upgraded to Hugo 0.138.0 but problem persists.
{{/* Get remote data. */}}
{{ $data := dict }}
{{ $docs := dict }}
{{ $api_collection := "https://datasite/viewer/api/v1/objects?collection=swkr&rows=30" }}
{{ $apiurlbooks := "https://datasite/viewer/api/v1/books/" }}
{{ $iiifpath := "https://iiifserver/api/image/books/" }}
{{ $opts := dict
"method" "get"
"headers" (dict
"Content-Type" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
"body" `{"complete": true}`
{{ with resources.GetRemote $api_collection $opts }}
{{ warnf " URL for api_collection is: %s" $api_collection }}
{{ with .Err }}
{{ errorf "Case 1: Unable to get remote resource %s: %s" $api_collection . }}
{{ else }}
{{ $data = .Content | transform.Unmarshal }}
{{ $docs = index $data "response" "docs" }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ errorf "Case 2: Unable to get remote resource %s" $api_collection }}
{{ end }}
{{/* Add pages */}}
{{ range $docs }}
{{ $uri := urls.JoinPath $apiurlbooks .identifier }}
{{/* Get remote data: a call for each book */}}
{{ $opts := dict
"method" "get"
"headers" (dict
"Content-Type" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
"body" `{"complete": true}`
{{ with resources.GetRemote $uri $opts }}
{{ with .Err }}
{{ errorf "Case 1: Unable to get remote resource %s: %s" $uri . }}
{{ else }}
{{ warnf "Reading : %s" $uri }}
{{ $data := .Content | transform.Unmarshal }}
{{ $title := index $data "title" }}
{{ $date := time.AsTime (index $data "metadata" "publication_date" "value") }}
{{ $publication_date_text := index $data "metadata" "publication_date_text" "value" }}
{{ $dates := dict "date" $date "publication_date_text" $publication_date_text }}
{{ warnf "date : %s" $date }}
{{ $subjects := index $data "metadata" "subject" "value" }}
{{ $identifier := index $data "identifier" }}
{{ $path_alias := path.Join "/books" $identifier }}
{{ $params := dict
"dates" $dates
"datebook" $date
"ss_book_identifier" $identifier
"identifier" $identifier
"path_alias" $path_alias
"subjects" $subjects
{{ $page := dict
"title" $title
"dates" $dates
"kind" "page"
"path" $identifier
"params" $params
{{/* Add page. */}}
{{ $.AddPage $page }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* Retrieve and add cover images */}}
{{ $item := . }}
{{ with $thumbnailurl := urls.JoinPath $iiifpath $item.identifier "/1/full/,400/0/default.jpg" }}
{{ $opts2 := dict
"method" "get"
"headers" (dict
"Content-Type" "image/jpeg"
"body" `{"complete": true}`
{{/* Important: Placing the image inside the book directory seems to be the trick that associates the Resource with the Page */}}
{{ $newpath := printf "%s/%s.jpg" $item.identifier $item.identifier }}
{{ with resources.GetRemote $thumbnailurl $opts2 }}
{{ warnf "thumbnailurl %s" $thumbnailurl }}
{{ with .Err }}
{{ errorf "Case 1 content adaptor Unable to get remote resource %s: %s" $thumbnailurl . }}
{{ else }}
{{ $content := dict
"mediaType" .MediaType.Type
"value" .Content
{{ $resource := dict
"content" $content
"path" $newpath
{{ $.AddResource $resource }}
{{ warnf "Resource added %s " $resource.path }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ errorf "Case 2 content adaptor Unable to get remote resource %s" $thumbnailurl }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}