Failed to get translated string for language “pt” and ID “home.footer.quicklinks”: message “home.footer.quicklinks” has no plural form “one”
Without any code and config link it’s hard to tell.
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As an estimated guess you miss the plural form in your i18n translation table. Have a look at
The following is an example of a configuration that we use on our website
For each language, we have a separate config file
baseURL: ""
title: "Web site"
MetaDataFormat: "yaml"
contentdir: "content-fr"
layoutdir: "layouts"
publishdir: "public"
uglyUrls: true
disableKinds: ["RSS", "sitemap", "taxonomyTerm", "section"]
DefaultContentLanguage: fr
- id: home.welcome
translation: Welcome
- id:
translation: Windows
- id: home.learning
translation: Learning
- id: home.signin
translation: Sign In
- id: home.signup
translation: Sign Up Now
- id: home.welcome
translation: Bienvenue
- id:
translation: Les fenêtres
- id: home.learning
translation: Apprentissage
- id: home.signin
translation: Se connecter
- id: home.signup
translation: S'inscrire maintenant
<span>{{i18n "home.welcome"}}</span>
With that handcrafted config snippets there might be multiple issues hidden. For example:
- There is no id or translation field in i18n files
- default content language is imho only set once per site.
- Menu entry translation is different.
I started with 0.123 so there might be some stuff in your old versions that I’m not aware of.
A real code example would be helpful … at least for me. Maybe you can provide a stripped down repo where the error is reproducable.
Try v0.83.1 or newer.