I18n on landing page no longer works after updating to 0.89.4

In a partial template for the landing page I have {{ T .Identifier }} for each menu entry. This worked in hugo 0.59.1 but after updating to 0.89.4 today it no longer worked.

What does this mean?

Also, please provide an example i18n file.

Before updating… the text specified in e.g. i18n/eng.yaml showed, after updating it doesn’t show.

in i18n/eng.yaml…

    other: "Contact"

I am unable to reproduce the problem as described.

Is that a typo? Typically I would expect en.yaml.

Can you share your repository? I am unable to diagnose the problem without seeing the complete picture.

That is not a typo, that is 639-3.

Can you share your repository? I am unable to diagnose the problem without seeing the complete picture.

I tried to replicate it minimally w. the theme I use… https://file.io/rd1Fuba7c3pJ
NOTE: the filesharing service file.io will allow the file to be downloaded only once.

ISO 639-3 codes stopped working with the v0.76.0 release (6 Oct 2020) where we upgraded nicksnyder/go-i18n from v1 to v2. It has been 14 months since that release, so I suspect that few sites (if any) use ISO 639-3.

I will investigate further, and log an issue as appropriate.

In the interim, rename your i18n files per ISO 639-1 (en, nl, etc.) and change the language tags in site configuration to match.

@Wallby One more thing… the ability to localize dates, currency, numbers, and percentages was introduced in v0.87.0. That does not work with ISO 639-3 language codes either:

So switching to ISO 639-1 would be wise.

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