I migrated my blog to Hugo

Here is the home page.
Here is the post describing the migration.


Here are some things you can improve on to take advantage of the speed of a static site. The image resizing and encoding (webP) can be easily achieved with Hugo. You can also save the Lora font locally on your static older and reference it in your stylesheets. Also, don’t use PNG for featured images. Instead, use JPG.


Thank you.

I’ll start implementing these suggestions very soon.

Hugo requires a theme to build the HTML files...

Not necessarily. You can use Hugo without a theme by creating your own layouts in the base layout directory. Themes are better though if you intend to share the theme between sites or are unaware on how to create your own theme.

If you want your feed name to remain as feed instead of index, and this code to your configuration file (result will be yoursite.com/feed.xml. You can create a redirect from WP’s /feed to feed.xml on your server)

    baseName                                 = "feed"
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Nice blog! Followed on RSS.

Check out this module for optimizing your images:

The font size for body text (14px) is a bit low, I recommend setting it to 100% on line 44 of your CSS. This will bump it up to the browser default of 16px.

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Thanks for the RSS tip. I did see the option to change the base name, but that doesn’t completely solve the difference so I opted to inform subscribers of the change.

I will definitely check out the image module.
I was thinking the font size was a little small. It was on my to-do list to investigate changing it. Thanks for the direct instruction.

Do you recommend I change this setting in the CSS that’s part of the theme repo, or copy it and then customize?

Why use JPG if you are already using WebP?

For those browsers that don’t support webP…like older versions of Safari. JPG will load faster

good point.

Wouldn’t it make sense to leave all images as JPG rather than convert to webP if the concern is backwards compatibility?

You can serve both jpg and webp, if the browser doesn’t accept webp it will use jpg, which loads faster due to the reduced size for same image quality.

I use jpg, webp and even avif for my small blog.

Cool. I’ve got some learning to do.

True! I also serve webP and JPG as a fallback on my site.

If it can help you, I read this article to implement webp and avif in my Hugo blog: WebP and AVIF images on a Hugo website | pawelgrzybek.com

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