I could try creating a repo using the quickstart tutorial and a link hook from the docs then build things in an infinite loop over night and see if that does anything.
But let’s say it doesn’t produce a single rendering failure. I’m now on one side of the spectrum with a minimal example and then I have my real site where it is a problem. I don’t feel like I have the tools necessary to determine where the issue is based on the outputs I receive from Hugo.
I will say this, my site isn’t doing anything crazy. It’s using all constructs provided by Hugo and Go. The only reason it’s not open source is because I have ~1.5 GB of images and I didn’t want to put them in a repo.
I guess where I’m going with this one is, I’m not sure how having code like this:
{{ $banner := .Params.Banner | default .Site.Params.Site.DefaultBanner }}
{{ if $banner }}
{{ partial (print "cta/banners/" $banner ".html") . }}
{{ end }}
Or this:
{{ if .Params.Newsletter | default true }}
{{ $partial := .Params.Newsletter | default "newsletter" }}
{{ $newsletter := print "cta/" $partial ".html" }}
{{ partial $newsletter . }}
{{ end }}
Will be related to the links not being processed correctly.
As for image outputs being a new problem with v0.131.0, I’ve posted my full image partial in the other thread where we figured out a solution to the fingerprint delimiter. The YouTube shortcode is straight from the docs / Hugo.
In this post I’ve posted my exact unedited link render hook and how I’m overriding the relref
shortcode to strip the trailing slash. That’s the only things related to link processing right?