Here’s an end to end solution. A lot of this was done by @irkode in previous replies, I just abstracted it out into a partial and appended in some of my existing image
partial logic.
Keep in mind I just started using Hugo so I don’t really know if this is the best way to do things but:
Previously I had this image.html
{{ $src := print "/images/" .src }}
{{ $height := .height }}
{{ $width := .width }}
{{ $class := .class }}
{{ $img := resources.Get $src | fingerprint }}
<img src="{{ $img.Permalink }}"{{ with $class }} class="{{ $class }}"{{ end }} height="{{ $width | default $img.Height }}" width="{{ $width | default $img.Width }}" alt="{{ index ((split $img "/") | last 1) 0 }}" >
Which was called in an image.html
shortcode like this:
{{ $src := .Get "src" }}
{{ $height := .Get "height" }}
{{ $width := .Get "width" }}
{{ $class := .Get "class" }}
{{ partial "image.html" (dict "src" $src "height" $height "width" $width "class" $class) }}
Which can then be used in your content markdown file like this:
{{< image src="hello.jpg" >}}
Here is the new custom image.html
{{ $fingerprintDelimiter := "-" }}
{{ $src := print "/images/" .src }}
{{ $height := .height }}
{{ $width := .width }}
{{ $class := .class }}
{{ with resources.Get $src }}
<!-- Calculate SHA -->
{{ $sha256 := sha256 .Content }}
<!-- Get the file extension -->
{{ $ext := path.Ext .Name }}
<!-- Remove extension by removing everything after the last dot -->
{{ $pathWithoutExt := replaceRE `\.[^.]+$` "" .Name }}
<!-- Remove leading / -->
{{ $pathWithoutExt = strings.TrimLeft "/" $pathWithoutExt }}
<!-- Generate filename -->
{{ $fullPathWithFingerprint := printf "%s%s%s%s" $pathWithoutExt $fingerprintDelimiter $sha256 $ext }}
<!-- Copy to destination (virtually) -->
{{ with resources.Copy $fullPathWithFingerprint . }}
<!-- Publish to destination by creating the link -->
<img src="{{ .Permalink }}" {{ with $class }} class="{{ $class }}"{{ end }} height="{{ $width | default .Height }}" width="{{ $width | default .Width }}" alt="{{ index ((split .Name "/") | last 1) 0 }}" >
<!-- For debugging purposes so you can see the file name, remove this as needed -->
<p>{{ .Name }} => {{ $fullPathWithFingerprint }}</p>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
The shortcode and how you call it didn’t change, but the above solution produces file names with basefile-fingerprint.ext
instead of the original basefile.fingerprint.ext