Hugo no longer updates from .csv files

I have a setup where hugo parses an .csv file and then lists it nicely. This used to work fine, but for whatever reason, it stopped now, and --verbose shows nothing. My current version is v0.111.2, though I have also tryed it with v.0.107 because I know it used to work with a version around that number. The code is located here, if needed.

When I clone and build your site with v0.111.2, I see this:


And you need to fix your template(s):

I’m sorry, I didn’t explain my Issue correctly because I was in a hurry. Basically, building the site works fine, however, 81) (or any other added file tomembers.csv is ignored. Will fix my template though, thanks for the quick reply :slight_smile:

This string is not in any of the files in your repo.

Hmm, it’s there for me, also stays if logged out.

It looks like you edited the published file (public dir) instead of the source file (static dir).

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Oof, that’s embarrassing. Thanks anyway.

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