Live site is fine but after a pause of around 3 months I return to add some content and get:
WARN 2018/02/09 05:38:36 i18n not initialized, check that you have language file (in i18n) that matches the site language or the default language.
ERROR 2018/02/09 05:38:36 Failed to read data from bio.csv/bio.csv: Data not supported for extension ‘csv’
Even if your site is not bilingual, to get rid of the warning, put a language file that matches your main language.
Just make i18n/en-US.toml and put:
other = "This article has {{ .WordCount }} words."
As for the csv error, did Hugo ever support csv datafiles? I only ever used toml/yaml in data since that’s what the docs said. Are your csv’s the new thing?
Looking at your bio.csv, it looks inconsistent to me. Is Hugo objecting to the formatting? Some fields have quotes around, some don’t. First two lines have three fields, second two have two, etc.
"hughie_april26_1964.jpg",1964,"Hughie is born."
"happyRock64.jpg",1964,"Tim, Jem, Matt, Margaret, Hughie, Damian, Colmcille"
h_backright_holyfamily70.jpg,1970,Suddenly moved to Swindon
jemHughie.jpg,1970,Rough Neck and Long Legs – Hughie on the right was ‘Rough Neck’ in my dad’s stories
70sCarrollsHilliards.jpg,1973,The Carrolls and the Hilliards
hcSchool14ish.jpg,1978,"Vincent, Anthony, Hughie, Robert, Gene"
hcTieBurn1980.jpeg,1980,Burning my school tie on the last day
… it’s explained clearly that only YAML, JSON, and TOML files can be in /data/ but, it looks like you can load csv files from elsewhere. It may work to parse them from /static/ …
So, I had a long pause and did what I needed to do on a different machine, a mac. All was well and I updated my site. Returning to trying to edit the exact same site on linuxmint, I have moved the csv files into a /static/csv dir. After much messing about with snap and other install methods I rebooted and used the synaptic install with ‘sudo apt install hugo’. Now I have v0.16-DEV. At least hugo starts its server but what is happening now is:
ERROR: 2018/03/08 16:30:41 general.go:222: Error while rendering section post: template: theme/_default/list.html:6:10: executing “theme/_default/list.html” at <.Pages>: Pages is not a field of struct type *hugolib.Node
ERROR: 2018/03/08 16:30:41 general.go:222: Error while rendering section galleries: template: theme/_default/list.html:6:10: executing “theme/_default/list.html” at <.Pages>: Pages is not a field of struct type *hugolib.Node
ERROR: 2018/03/08 16:30:41 general.go:222: Error while rendering section : template: theme/_default/list.html:6:10: executing “theme/_default/list.html” at <.Pages>: Pages is not a field of struct type *hugolib.Node
ERROR: 2018/03/08 16:30:41 general.go:222: Error while rendering section read: template: theme/_default/list.html:6:10: executing “theme/_default/list.html” at <.Pages>: Pages is not a field of struct type *hugolib.Node
WARN: 2018/03/08 16:30:41 site.go:1971: “/” is rendered empty
It seems very odd that it is upset on linux where it flies along on mac. Any ideas?
After upgrading to v0.37.1 things are a bit happier so no errors like I just posted. Phew.
I added a /i18n/en-us.toml with the text as per RickCogley. Now it gives message:
WARN 2018/03/08 16:49:52 Translation func for language en not found, use default.
WARN 2018/03/08 16:49:52 i18n not initialized, check that you have language file (in i18n) that matches the site language or the default language.
It displays my homepage but no other pages appear in the menu. Weird.