I had a chat with chatgpt and because i want it fully automated written by llm. (Is for my washing machine https://setaggi.daft-cloud.nl)
And it suggested to use hugo and a python script.
I want a sum up of the latest two washes and some newsletter only content.
How to make a neat looking newsletter.
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from jinja2 import Template
# Lees de gegenereerde HTML template
with open('path/to/generated/public/index.html', 'r') as file:
html_template = file.read()
# Jinja2 template instellen
template = Template(html_template)
# Lijst met ontvangers
ontvangers = [
{"name": "Jan", "email": "jan@example.com"},
{"name": "Piet", "email": "piet@example.com"},
# Voeg meer ontvangers toe
# SMTP-instellingen
smtp_server = 'smtp.example.com'
smtp_port = 587
smtp_user = 'your-email@example.com'
smtp_password = 'your-password'
# Verbind met de SMTP server
server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port)
server.login(smtp_user, smtp_password)
for ontvanger in ontvangers:
# Render de template met de naam
html_content = template.render(name=ontvanger['name'])
# Maak het e-mail bericht
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg['From'] = smtp_user
msg['To'] = ontvanger['email']
msg['Subject'] = "Uw Gepersonaliseerde Nieuwsbrief"
# Voeg de HTML content toe
msg.attach(MIMEText(html_content, 'html'))
# Verstuur de e-mail
server.sendmail(smtp_user, ontvanger['email'], msg.as_string())
# Sluit de serververbinding
Oke. I got jinja2 running with python generating a news letter.
But now i got to make a signup page.
think about a single php page.
How can i hook a “static” page into the hugo css template?
Thats the result. It’s a website. It does not tell anything on how this site is generated, which components are involved… and it doe also not tell anything about the new feature…
No. I don’t need a use case … I just I’m out. Not my topic