Hugo nieuwsletter generation

I had a chat with chatgpt and because i want it fully automated written by llm. (Is for my washing machine
And it suggested to use hugo and a python script.

I want a sum up of the latest two washes and some newsletter only content.

How to make a neat looking newsletter.

from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from jinja2 import Template

# Lees de gegenereerde HTML template
with open('path/to/generated/public/index.html', 'r') as file:
    html_template =

# Jinja2 template instellen
template = Template(html_template)

# Lijst met ontvangers
ontvangers = [
    {"name": "Jan", "email": ""},
    {"name": "Piet", "email": ""},
    # Voeg meer ontvangers toe

# SMTP-instellingen
smtp_server = ''
smtp_port = 587
smtp_user = ''
smtp_password = 'your-password'

# Verbind met de SMTP server
server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port)
server.login(smtp_user, smtp_password)

for ontvanger in ontvangers:
    # Render de template met de naam
    html_content = template.render(name=ontvanger['name'])

    # Maak het e-mail bericht
    msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
    msg['From'] = smtp_user
    msg['To'] = ontvanger['email']
    msg['Subject'] = "Uw Gepersonaliseerde Nieuwsbrief"

    # Voeg de HTML content toe
    msg.attach(MIMEText(html_content, 'html'))

    # Verstuur de e-mail
    server.sendmail(smtp_user, ontvanger['email'], msg.as_string())

# Sluit de serververbinding

Mmh. Chatgpt bussord bingo

Why plugin hugo to that.

There are templating engins for python
Check this on stackoverflow answer 12 gives to oportunities templates - Best Python templating library to facilitate code generation - Stack Overflow . Or search yourself

Im not looking for code generation.

Please if you say someone need to do googling do it your self.

Most fora i go is google your self a offlimit thing.

Sry no need to get…upset

Jinja is a full featured phthon templating engine for html

Yatag a mor simple one. The phthon core is a more generic one ur right…

Should just give jou a hint.

Recap: if I where you and go with python i would look for some of that. No need to call an external SSG for fancy mail layouts

Oke. I got jinja2 running with python generating a news letter.
But now i got to make a signup page.
think about a single php page.
How can i hook a “static” page into the hugo css template?

Not sure what that means

If you want to address a externally generated file with a hugo template

  • put it in static dir and link to it
  • put it in assets dir and use tesoure pipelines

If it’s something different, please elaborate

I have copied some php and its working.
Only i totally have 0 layout makup.

Found some php hugo integration i need to read. But i want the style and the menu in the newsletter page.

So we have mor then one php. Looks like you need a “dynamic” server part. You have some phthon generating html
And hugo…

And all are quite generic questions… for me that looks like you are plugging puzzel pieces together.

Without the real usecase impossible to provide a qualified answer.
That said I won’t dig in that, sry. isnt that a usecase.

Or are you requesting official documentation?

Don’t get me wrong:

Thats the result. It’s a website. It does not tell anything on how this site is generated, which components are involved… and it doe also not tell anything about the new feature…

No. I don’t need a use case … I just I’m out. Not my topic